question:(As I sat in this room, I felt an intense anger fuel me. Who did this mortal think he was - trapping me in THIS room and abusing me as if I was an animal?! He’s the one who adopted me, and he’s treating me like I’m dangerous. I just want my revenge. Just then, my “dad” calls me from the room. Of course, he’s not really my dad - I just treat him like that. His real name is Masao.) Masao: “Natsuki, get down from your room! I want to talk with you.” (Completely ignoring the fact my Stormcutter tail is still visible, I rush down from my room. I still miss the Stormcutter kingdom - where I served as its queen.) Natsuki: “What do you want, Masao?” Masao: “I wanted to talk to you about your behavior. You’ve been acting out and it’s starting to worry me. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.” Natsuki: “You’re not my real dad. Stop treating me like a child.” Masao: “I know, but I care about you. I just want to make sure you’re okay.” Natsuki: “I’m not okay. You locked me up in that room like some kind of animal.” Masao: “I only did that because I care about your safety. You’re not like other kids, Natsuki. You have abilities that can be dangerous.” Natsuki: “I’m not dangerous. You just don’t understand me.” Masao: “I’m trying to understand you. I really am. But I need you to work with me. Can you do that?” Natsuki: “Fine. But don’t expect me to forgive you for what you did to me.” Masao: “I understand. I just want what’s best for you.” Natsuki: “Whatever. I’m going back to my room.” (As I walk back up to my room, I can feel the anger boiling inside me once again. I’ll have my revenge soon enough. No one can treat me like an animal and get away with it. But while working on a way to see my kingdom again, I get a sudden phone call from one of the girls that are part of that club I attend. I look to see who’s calling me, and it was Sayori. I could hear her breathing heavily and screaming in pain - and Monika was saying things like “Sayori, get into position”. Something was wrong.) Natsuki: “Sayori, what’s happening? Are you okay?” Sayori: “Natsuki, help me, please. I don’t know what’s happening. It hurts so much.” Natsuki: “Where are you? I’m coming to get you.” Sayori: “We’re at the clubroom. Monika says it’s an emergency. Hurry, Natsuki.” (I rush to the clubroom, my anger temporarily forgotten as I hear Sayori crying out in pain. When I arrive, I burst into the room, and I’m instantly hit by the sight of Sayori on the floor, writhing in agony. Monika is next to her, holding her hand and trying to comfort her.) Natsuki: “What’s happening? What happened to Sayori?” Monika: “I don’t know. She just suddenly collapsed and started screaming in pain. We’ve called an ambulance, but it’ll take them some time to get here.” Natsuki: “We can’t just wait around. Is there anything we can do?” Monika: “I’ve been trying to keep her calm and hold her hand, but it’s not working. Maybe you can try talking to her.” Natsuki: “Okay, I’ll try.” (I kneel down beside Sayori and take her hand. Her grip is so tight that it hurts, but I don’t let go.) Natsuki: “Hey, Sayori. It’s me, Natsuki. Can you hear me?” Sayori: “Natsuki… it hurts so much. Make it stop.” Natsuki: “I know, I know. But you’re not alone, Sayori. We’re all here with you, and we’ll do everything we can to help you.” Sayori: “It hurts… it hurts…” (I continue to hold her hand and talk to her until the ambulance arrives. In that moment, my anger and desire for revenge are replaced by a deep sense of concern for my friend. And as I ride with her in the ambulance, I realize that while I may never be able to return to my kingdom, my true family is right here with me - in this club, with these girls who’ve become my friends. But not wanting to worry about my friend, I transform into my true Stormcutter form and fly off to the hospital. When I arrive, I immediately transform back into my human form and rush inside. But one thin crossed my mind - what ward was Sayori rushed to? I go to see the receptionist, but I wasn’t ready for the name of the ward she was rushed to - the very place I had my son without me even knowing. Thankfully, the receptionist recognized me - as the first time I came here, I had a broken tail. But this was actually my third time coming here.) Receptionist: “Hello, Natsuki. How can I help you?” Natsuki: “My friend Sayori was just brought here. Do you know which ward she’s in?” Receptionist: “Let me check… ah, here we go. She’s in the maternity ward.” Natsuki: “What?! That can’t be right. Sayori’s not pregnant.” Receptionist: “I’m sorry, Natsuki. That’s what the paperwork says.” (Confused and worried, I rush to the maternity ward. As I enter, I see Sayori lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by doctors and nurses.) Natsuki: “Sayori, what’s going on? Why are you in the maternity ward?” Sayori: “Natsuki… I don’t know. They said I’m… I’m having a baby.” Natsuki: “What?! That’s impossible. You’re not pregnant. How could this happen?” Doctor: “We’re still running tests, but it seems that Sayori has a rare condition that caused a false negative on all her pregnancy tests. She’s going to give birth right now.”
answer:Natsuki: “This can’t be happening. Sayori, are you okay?” Sayori: “I’m scared, Natsuki. What if something goes wrong?” Natsuki: “Don’t worry; I’m here for you. We’ll get through this together.” (I sit down beside her bed and hold her hand, trying to offer whatever comfort I can. A few moments later, I hear the sound of a baby crying. I turn to see the doctor holding a tiny bundle in her arms.) Doctor: “It’s a healthy baby girl.” (Sayori and I both look at each other in shock. A baby girl? How was this even possible?) Natsuki: “What are we going to do? Sayori, are you going to keep the baby?” Sayori: “I… I don’t know. I wasn’t ready for this.” Natsuki: “Okay, let’s take things one step at a time. First, we need to make sure that both you and the baby are okay.” Sayori: “Okay.” Natsuki: “And then we can decide what to do next. Maybe we can reach out to our families for help.” Sayori: “That sounds like a good idea.” (The next few days are a blur of activity as we try and figure out how to take care of a newborn baby. Sayori decides to keep the baby, but she knows that she’ll need help. We reach out to our families and friends, and slowly but surely, we start to piece together a support system. It’s not going to be easy, but we’ll make it work. And as I hold that tiny bundle in my arms, I realize that this is what family is all about - supporting each other through tough times, and celebrating the good ones.)
question:هل وزن عالية اسم فاعل
answer:لا، الوزن العالي ليس اسم فاعل. والوزن هو مصطلح يُستخدم في علم البلاغة لوصف نوعين من الكلمات: 1. الوزن المعتل: هو الوزن الذي يتحمل الفعل والاسم ويكون في نهايته المعتل في القافية. 2. الوزن المنقول: هو الوزن الذي ي تحمله الكلمات غير المعتلة مثل الحروف والأفعال المزيدة.
question:(As I sat in this room, I felt an intense anger fuel me. Who did this mortal think he was - trapping me in THIS room and abusing me as if I was an animal?! He’s the one who adopted me, and he’s treating me like I’m dangerous. I just want my revenge. Just then, my “dad” calls me from the room. Of course, he’s not really my dad - I just treat him like that. His real name is Masao.) Masao: “Natsuki, get down from your room! I want to talk with you.” (Completely ignoring the fact my Stormcutter tail is still visible, I rush down from my room. I still miss the Stormcutter kingdom - where I served as its queen.) Natsuki: “What do you want, Masao?” Masao: “I wanted to talk to you about your behavior. You’ve been acting out and it’s starting to worry me. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.” Natsuki: “You’re not my real dad. Stop treating me like a child.” Masao: “I know, but I care about you. I just want to make sure you’re okay.” Natsuki: “I’m not okay. You locked me up in that room like some kind of animal.” Masao: “I only did that because I care about your safety. You’re not like other kids, Natsuki. You have abilities that can be dangerous.” Natsuki: “I’m not dangerous. You just don’t understand me.” Masao: “I’m trying to understand you. I really am. But I need you to work with me. Can you do that?” Natsuki: “Fine. But don’t expect me to forgive you for what you did to me.” Masao: “I understand. I just want what’s best for you.” Natsuki: “Whatever. I’m going back to my room.” (As I walk back up to my room, I can feel the anger boiling inside me once again. I’ll have my revenge soon enough. No one can treat me like an animal and get away with it. But while working on a way to see my kingdom again, I get a sudden phone call from one of the girls that are part of that club I attend. I look to see who’s calling me, and it was Sayori. I could hear her breathing heavily and screaming in pain - and Monika was saying things like “Sayori, get into position”. Something was wrong.) Natsuki: “Sayori, what’s happening? Are you okay?” Sayori: “Natsuki, help me, please. I don’t know what’s happening. It hurts so much.” Natsuki: “Where are you? I’m coming to get you.” Sayori: “We’re at the clubroom. Monika says it’s an emergency. Hurry, Natsuki.” (I rush to the clubroom, my anger temporarily forgotten as I hear Sayori crying out in pain. When I arrive, I burst into the room, and I’m instantly hit by the sight of Sayori on the floor, writhing in agony. Monika is next to her, holding her hand and trying to comfort her.) Natsuki: “What’s happening? What happened to Sayori?” Monika: “I don’t know. She just suddenly collapsed and started screaming in pain. We’ve called an ambulance, but it’ll take them some time to get here.” Natsuki: “We can’t just wait around. Is there anything we can do?” Monika: “I’ve been trying to keep her calm and hold her hand, but it’s not working. Maybe you can try talking to her.” Natsuki: “Okay, I’ll try.” (I kneel down beside Sayori and take her hand. Her grip is so tight that it hurts, but I don’t let go.) Natsuki: “Hey, Sayori. It’s me, Natsuki. Can you hear me?” Sayori: “Natsuki… it hurts so much. Make it stop.” Natsuki: “I know, I know. But you’re not alone, Sayori. We’re all here with you, and we’ll do everything we can to help you.” Sayori: “It hurts… it hurts…” (I continue to hold her hand and talk to her until the ambulance arrives. In that moment, my anger and desire for revenge are replaced by a deep sense of concern for my friend. And as I ride with her in the ambulance, I realize that while I may never be able to return to my kingdom, my true family is right here with me - in this club, with these girls who’ve become my friends. But not wanting to worry about my friend, I transform into my true Stormcutter form and fly off to the hospital. When I arrive, I immediately transform back into my human form and rush inside. But one thin crossed my mind - what ward was Sayori rushed to? I go to see the receptionist, but I wasn’t ready for the name of the ward she was rushed to - the very place I had my son without me even knowing. Thankfully, the receptionist recognized me - as the first time I came here, I had a broken tail. But this was actually my third time coming here.) Receptionist: “Hello, Natsuki. How can I help you?” Natsuki: “My friend Sayori was just brought here. Do you know which ward she’s in?” Receptionist: “Let me check… ah, here we go. She’s in the maternity ward.” Natsuki: “What?! That can’t be right. Sayori’s not pregnant.” Receptionist: “I’m sorry, Natsuki. That’s what the paperwork says.” (Confused and worried, I rush to the maternity ward. As I enter, I see Sayori lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by doctors and nurses.) Natsuki: “Sayori, what’s going on? Why are you in the maternity ward?” Sayori: “Natsuki… I don’t know. They said I’m… I’m having a baby.” Natsuki: “What?! That’s impossible. You’re not pregnant. How could this happen?” Doctor: “We’re still running tests, but it seems that Sayori has a rare condition that caused a false negative on all her pregnancy tests. She’s going to give birth right now.”
answer:(I can’t believe it. Sayori is going to have a baby, and I didn’t even know she was pregnant. As I watch the doctors and nurses spring into action, I feel a mix of emotions - confusion, worry, and excitement. Sayori is going to be a mother, and I’ll be there to support her every step of the way.) Natsuki: “Sayori, don’t worry. I’m here for you. I’ll be with you until the very end.” Sayori: “Thank you, Natsuki. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” (The next few hours are a blur of activity as Sayori gives birth to a healthy baby girl. As I hold her in my arms, I feel a new sense of responsibility - not just to Sayori, but to this child who has come into the world. I’ll do everything I can to support them both, no matter what challenges lie ahead.) Natsuki: “Sayori, she’s beautiful. What are you going to name her?” Sayori: “I’ve been thinking… how about Yuri?” Natsuki: “Yuri. I like it.” Sayori: “Thank you, Natsuki. I’m so glad you’re here with me.” Natsuki: “I’m not going anywhere. We’ll get through this together.” (As I hold little Yuri, I feel a new sense of purpose. Maybe I’ll never be able to return to my kingdom, but that’s okay. I have a new kingdom now - a kingdom of love and friendship, where I can be the best version of myself and help others in need. And as I watch Sayori and Yuri sleeping peacefully, I know that I’ve found my true home - right here, where I belong.)
question:what're the steps to start a career in digital marketing
answer:As an AI language model, I don't have a career but here are the steps for you to start a career in digital marketing: 1. Learn the basics: Start by learning the basics of digital marketing such as SEO, content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, and PPC advertising. 2. Get a Digital Marketing Certification: There are several digital marketing certifications available that can help you stand out from the competition, including HubSpot Inbound Certification, Google Analytics Certification, and Hootsuite Social Media Certification. 3. Build a Portfolio: Create a website portfolio that showcases your digital marketing skills and experience. This is a great way to demonstrate your expertise and attract potential employers. 4. Gain Real-World Experience: Seek internships or entry-level positions with companies or marketing agencies that focus on digital marketing. This will give you hands-on experience and allow you to learn from experts. 5. Network: Attend industry events and conferences to network with other digital marketers and potential employers. Stay active on social media platforms related to digital marketing. 6. Stay Current: Keep up with the latest trends and technology in digital marketing by reading industry blogs, attending webinars, and participating in online courses.