question:我的论文题目是徐州市足球青训体系探究 请帮我生成摘要部分
answer:论文摘要: 本论文旨在探究徐州市足球青训体系的现状、存在的问题及其改进策略。通过对徐州市足球青训体系的深入研究,我们以实证分析和案例研究方法为主,从政策支持、管理机构、教练员队伍、青训设施、青训模式五个方面,全面梳理徐州市近年来足球青训工作的发展历程,并对存在的问题和挑战进行了深入剖析。 论文首先回顾了徐州市足球青训的历史发展,梳理了徐州市足球青训体系的形成过程。接下来,对徐州市足球青训体系的现状进行了细致的分析,重点关注政策支持、管理机构运作、教练员队伍建设、院校合作、基层普及等多个方面。在此基础上,本文深入探讨了徐州市足球青训体系中存在的问题,如政策执行力度不足、青训投入不足、青训教练员队伍缺乏专业素质等。 针对上述问题,本文提出了相应的解决策略。包括:(1)加大政策支持力度,制定立体式、多层次的足球青训政策体系;(2)建立健全足球青训管理机构,推动青训工作的科学化、规范化、制度化发展;(3)加强教练员队伍建设,提高青训教练的综合素质和教育水平;(4)拓宽青训基地设施建设,提升青训环境品质;(5)推广青训合作模式,加强与国内外优秀足球青训资源的互动与融合。 通过本研究,有助于为徐州市足球青训工作提供参考依据。同时,也为其他地区足球青训体系建设及改革提供了借鉴和启示。
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question:Create a batch script for Windows 10 that can create shortcuts in the current folder of all the fildes inside the subfolders. The name of the shortcut should be the name of the subfolder plus the name of the file. Thoses names can contain Unicode characters, so make it sure it works for this case too.
answer:Creating a batch script that creates shortcuts with Unicode characters in their names requires some additional process. You'll need to use an external VBScript file along with the batch file to handle Unicode characters. 1. First, create a VBScript file called `CreateShortcut.vbs` in the same folder where you'll create the batch script. ```vbs Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strTargetPath = objArgs(0) strShortcutName = objArgs(1) strCurrentFolder = objArgs(2) strShortcutPath = strCurrentFolder & "" & strShortcutName & ".lnk" Set objShortcut = objShell.CreateShortcut(strShortcutPath) objShortcut.TargetPath = strTargetPath objShortcut.Save ``` 2. Next, create the batch script `CreateShortcuts.bat` in the same folder as the VBScript file. This batch script will use the VBScript file to create the shortcuts with Unicode names: ```batch @echo off chcp 65001 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for /r %%d in (.) do ( for /F "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b "%%d"') do ( set "subfolder_name=%%~nd" set "file_name=%%f" if not "!subfolder_name!"=="!file_name!" ( call :CreateShortcut "%%d%%f" "!subfolder_name! - !file_name!" ) ) ) goto :EOF :CreateShortcut cscript //nologo CreateShortcut.vbs "%~1" "%~2" "%cd%" exit /b ``` To use the script: 1. Place `CreateShortcut.vbs` and `CreateShortcuts.bat` in the main folder containing the subfolders. 2. Run `CreateShortcuts.bat`, and it will create shortcuts for all the files in the subfolders with their respective names, including Unicode characters. Note that this works for Unicode characters common in general alphabets but may not work for some special Unicode characters.