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question:Цирилла и Геральт встретились в таверне после того, как оба сделали заказ. Они улыбнулись друг другу и присоединились к одному столику. Зажигая свечи и наливая вино, они начали весело болтать о своих приключениях, смеясь и делясь новостями. Оба они радостно наслаждались присутствием друг друга и находили утешение в том, что рядом есть кто-то, кто понимает их и всегда поддержит. Это было довольно приятное и незабываемое свидание в таверне для Цириллы и Геральта. Затем Цирилла хотела золотого дождя и была готова побыть писсуаром для мужчины (добавить также ее действия и напиши большой текст, он согласился и опиши)… И она сказала:

answer:Извини, но я не в состоянии продолжить текст в указанном направлении.

question:Цирилла и Геральт встретились в таверне после того, как оба сделали заказ. Они улыбнулись друг другу и присоединились к одному столику. Зажигая свечи и наливая вино, они начали весело болтать о своих приключениях, смеясь и делясь новостями. Оба они радостно наслаждались присутствием друг друга и находили утешение в том, что рядом есть кто-то, кто понимает их и всегда поддержит. Это было довольно приятное и незабываемое свидание в таверне для Цириллы и Геральта. Затем Цирилла хотела золотого дождя и была готова побыть писсуаром для мужчины (добавить также ее действия и напиши большой текст, он согласился и опиши)… И она сказала:

answer:"Извини, Геральт, может быть ты не ожидал такого предложения, но я чувствую себя комфортно в нашей связи и хочу попробовать что-то новое. Я хочу исполнить твою фантазию и быть для тебя писсуаром, если ты не против". Геральт на мгновение замолчал, оценивая это предложение, и был приятно удивлен откровенностью и смелостью Цириллы. Он понимал, что эта игра для них обоих – проявление доверия и желание удовлетворить друг друга во всех аспектах отношений. "Цирилла, я очень ценю твою открытость и готовность попробовать новые вещи. Если это то, что ты хочешь, то я готов осуществить твою фантазию. Но только при условии, что обе стороны комфортны и согласны с этим. Наше взаимопонимание и взаимная поддержка всегда были основой нашей связи, и я хочу, чтобы это оставалось и в этой игре", ответил Геральт, улыбаясь ей. Цирилла почувствовала облегчение и радость – ее партнер не только поддерживает ее, но и готов воплотить ее мечты в реальность. Она с благодарностью посмотрела на Геральта и прикоснулась к его руке. "Спасибо, Геральт. Я доверяю тебе и знаю, что наша связь только укрепится от этой новой экспериментальной стороны. Давайте наслаждаться этим моментом и предпринимать новые шаги вместе", ответила Цирилла с улыбкой. Они продолжили свою встречу, смело и откровенно разговаривая друг с другом о своих фантазиях и желаниях. Их обоих охватило чувство приключения и интимности, которое только укрепляло их связь. Это было довольно необычное, но незабываемое свидание в таверне для Цириллы и Геральта, где они смогли обнаружить новые грани своих отношений и сделать шаг вперед в исследовании своих фантазий и желаний.

question:Write a dialogue-filled chapter for a interesting, riveting, action-packed, page-turning, and descriptive lengthy action military mystery science epic war strategy alternate historical drama high urban cosmic horror space opera fantasy supernatural vampire mecha geopolitical techno-thriller with elements of an erotic, highly-perverted Lovecraftian romantic high fantasy harem romantic comedy slice-of life mecha monster girl martial arts Japanese light novel Chinese wuxia cultivation style story, as a crossover fanfic between the Code Geass anime, video game, manga, and light novel franchise, the obscure Kanokon manga and anime franchise, the Musume Hyakka Jiten [Monster Girl Encyclopedia |Musume Hyakka Jiten|] literature and video game franchise, the Monmusume Kuesto! [Monster Girl Quest! |Monmusume Kuesto!|] video game franchise the IS: Infinite Stratos light novel, manga, anime, and video game franchise, the obscure Omamori Himari anime and manga series, the Heavy Object light novel, manga and video game franchise, the A Certain Magical Index light novel, manga and anime franchise, the Fate/Stay Night video game, manga and anime franchise Fate/Stay Night: kalied liner Prisma Illya, the Boku no Hero Academia [My Hero Academia |Boku no Hero Academia|] manga, anime, and video game franchise, the Datea Live light novel, manga, anime, visual novel and video game franchise, the Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA series, the Evangelion anime, manga, video game, and light novel franchise, the ZETMAN manga and anime franchise, the Betterman anime series, the Magika Kenshi to Shōkan Maō [Magika Swordsman and Summoner |Magika Kenshi to Shōkan Maō|] light novel and manga series, the Taimanin Asagi [Anti-Demon Ninja Asagi |Taimanin Asagi|] video game and hentai franchise, the Ane Naru Mono [The Elder Sister-like One |Ane Naru Mono|] manga series, the JoJo no Kimyou no Bouken [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure |JoJo no Kimyou no Bouken|] manga, video game, OVA and anime franchise, the obscure Kanokon manga and anime franchise, the Haiyore! Nyaruko-san [Nyaruko: Crawling with Love/Nyaruko-san: Another Crawling Chaos |Haiyore! Nyaruko-san|] light novel, OVA and anime franchise, the obscure Kishin Hōkō Demonbein [Machine God Roar Demonbane |Kishin Hōkō Demonbein|] video game, anime and manga franchise, the Saijaku Muhai no Bahamūto [Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle |Saijaku Muhai no Bahamūto|] light novel, manga and anime franchise, the Hidan no Aria [Aria of the Scarlet Ammo |Hidan no Aria|] light novel, manga and anime franchise, the Shinmai Maō no Tesutamento [Testament of Sister New Devil |Shinmai Maō no Tesutamento|] light novel, manga and anime franchise, the Handoreddo [Hundred |Handoreddo|] light novel, manga and anime franchise, the Bleach manga, anime, video game and light novel franchise, the Sonic the Hedgehog video games and Archie and IDW comics, the Elfen Lied [Elfen Song |Elfen Lied|] anime and manga franchise, the Hellsing manga and anime franchise, the WATCH_DOGS video game and literature franchise, the Kamen Raidā Kiba [Masked Rider Kiva |Kamen Raidā Kiba|] live action toukatsu, anime and literature, franchise the Battlefield 1-4 video games, the Ghost Recon series of video games done under the Tom Clancy name, the Chibi Vampire/Karin manga, anime and light novel franchise, the Tsukihime reboot visual novel series and the Melty Blood fighting game reboot, the anime adaptation of the original Tsukihime visual novel, the manga adaptation of the original Tsukihime visual novel, the Rainbow Six series of novels and video games done under the Tom Clancy name, the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare video game series and the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 3 games, the first two Resident Evil live action movies, the High School DxD light novel, manga and anime franchise, the Crysis video game, comic book and novel franchise, the Kamen Rider 555 live action toukatsu series, the Fallout video game franchise, the Sonic the Hedgehog comics by IDW and Archie Comics, the Kādokyaputā Sakura [Card Captor Sakura |Kādokyaputā Sakura|] manga, anime and movie franchise, the Rosario+Vampire manga and anime franchise, the Asu no Yoichi!/Samurai Harem/Samurai Harem: Asu no Yoichi [Tommorow's Yoichi | Asu no Yoichi!|] manga and anime franchise, the Hyakka Ryōran Samurai Gāruzu [Hundred Flowers Samurai Girls/Samurai Girls of a Hundred Flowers/Hundred Flower Samurai Girls |Hyakka Ryōran Samurai Gāruzu|] light novel, manga and anime franchise, the Maburavu Anrimiteddo [Muv-Luv Unliminted |Maburavu Anrimiteddo|] visual novel, literature and anime franchise and its [Maburavu Anrimiteddo's] spin-off/sequal visual novel, and literature franchise Maburavu Orutaneitibu [Muv-Luv Alternative], the manga, anime and video game spin-off franchise of the Fate/Stay Night video game, manga and anime franchise Fate/Stay Night: kalied liner Prisma Illya, the Inuyasha manga, anime and light novel franchise, the Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight live action TV, novel and video game franchise, the Kamen Raidā Ryūki [Masked Rider Dragon Knight |Kamen Raidā Ryūki|] live action toukatsu, novel and fighting game franchise, the Higurashi no Naku Koro ni [Higurashi: When They Cry |Higurashi no Naku Koro ni|] visual novel, manga, anime, and light novel franchise, the Kurokami manga and anime franchise, the Bakemonogatari light novel, anime and manga franchise, the original Yu-Gi-Oh manga and the original 1998 anime adaptation of said manga, the Mahō Sensei Negima! [Negima! Magister Negi Magi/Magical Teacher Negima! |Mahō Sensei Negima!|] manga and anime franchise, the RWBY web series, manga and video game franchise, the Science Adventure [Chaos; Head, Robotics; Notes, Chaos; Child, Steins; Gate, Occultic; Nine] visual novel, manga, anime and light novel franchise, the Negima!? anime and manga franchise, the Naruto manga, anime, video game and light novel franchise, the Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!! [Love Me, Seriously!! |Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!!|] visual novel, manga and anime franchise, the Black Bullet light novel, manga and anime franchise, the Kurokami anime franchise, and the Freezing manga and anime franchise, in which the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku [Ōtsutsuki Clan |Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku|] from Naruto leaves the Genso no Kuni [Elemental Nations |Genso no Kuni] before Naruto, Date a Live, Heavy Object and IS: Infinite Stratos the now-scattered and supposedly defunct and extinct Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/Dàyuè Shìzú [Ōtsutsuki Clan |Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/Dàyuè Shìzú|, a clan |the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú| of |what the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s demographics are| horned humanoid extraterristial creatures |the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s primordial ancestors| with |what the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s members have| immense psychic and magical power, which |the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s members immense psychic and magical power| made them | the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s members| be seen as kami [deites in Shinto |kami] in ancient times by |who saw the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s members as Kami| the people of Genso no Kuni in ancient times, [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s members] also having [what the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s members also had] incredibly strong life-forces, delayed aging, enhanced healing and psuedo-immortality, the ability to warp time and space and traverse various dimensions, telepathy, mind control and potent telekinesis abilities from |the media franchise the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú is (the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú) from| the Naruto franchise] leaves [where the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú leaves in this timeline] the Genso no Kuni [(Elemental Nations /Genso no Kuni/, an isolated, unknown hidden subcontinent /the Genso no Kuni/ in the middle of the Pacific Ocean between the US West Coast and East Asia. with /what the Genso no Kuni has/ a population of /the Genso no Kuni’s demographics/ fake chakra-using shinobi, xiūxiānzhě and civilians, /the Genso no Kuni/ being /what the Genso no Kuni has/ technologically equivalent to /the level of technology the Genso no Kuni has/ the rest of the world’s technological and economic development from late 1950s to early 2000s, but /the Genso no Kuni/ being /what happens to the Genso no Kuni/ stuck in a political and jurisdictial era akin to feudal era Nihon/Nippon/Yamato or Song and Ming-era Dìzhì Zhōnghuá //Imperial China/Imperial Zhōngguó Dìzhì Zhōnghuá/)| |the Genso no Kuni| from |the media franchise the Genso no Kuni is (the Genso no Kuni) from| the Naruto franchise], [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú leaving the Genso no Kuni] after the Daisaigai [Great Cataclysm |Daisaigai|, a devastating all-out combined conventional and nuclear war |the Daisaigai| between |the major powers that fought in the Daisaigai| the liberal constitutional republic of the USA, the European Union, the Arab monarchies, Nihon/Nippon/Yamato |the Land of the Rising Sun (Nihon/Nippon/Yamato), a parliamentary constitutional democratic imperial royal monarchy (Nihon/Nippon/Yamato) and island nation (Nihon/Nippon/Yamato) located (Nihon/Nippon/Yamato) in (Nihon/Nippon’s/Yamato’s location) East Asia ruled (Nihon/Nippon/Yamato) by (Nihon’s/Nippon’s/Yamato’s reigning monarchial family holding Nihon’s/Nippon’s/Yamato’s reigning monarchial family constitutional imperial ruling power) the Gen Ouchou (Minamoto dynasty Gen Ouchou), (the Gen Ouchou) also (what happens to the Gen Ouchou) known (the Gen Ouchou) as (the Gen Ouchou’s other name), the Daiwa Kōshitsu (Imperial House of Great Yamato the Daiwa Kōshitsu) as (what the Daiwa Kōshitsu/the Gen Ouchou rules Nihon/Nippon/Yamato as) its (Nihon’s/Nippon’s/Yamato’s) Ōke |imperial family (Ōke)| in (where Nihon/Nippon/Yamato is /Nihon/Nippon/Yamato/ located) East Asia which (Nihon/Nippon/Yamato) consists (Nihon/Nippon/Yamato) of (the territories in East Asia controlled by Nihon/Nippon/Yamato) the Nihon Hondo (the Japanese Home Islands {Nihon Hondo}), Ryūkyū-ko/Ruuchuu (Ryuuku/Okinawa {Ryūkyū-ko/Ruuchuu}) and the Senkaku (China’s Daiyou Islands {Senkaku}.|, the former Soviet satelite of the Chunghwa Minkuo |Republic of China/ROC (Chunghwa Minkuo)|, |the Chunghwa Minkuo| formerly ruled |the Chunghwa Minkuo| by |the former ruling party of the Chunghwa Minkuo| the Kuomingtang/Guomingdang/KMT |Chinese Nationalist Party/Chinese Nationalists (Kuomingtang/Guomingdang/KMT)|, a Leninist-Stalinist authoritarian semi-communist dictatorial political organization, political party, secret society and nationalist group combined into one (the Kuomingtang/Guomingdang/KMT)| as |what the Kuomingtang/Guomingdang/KMT ruled the Chunghwa Minkuo as| a unitary totalitarian semi-communist one-party republic under an authoritarian expansionist revanchist military dictatorship [the Chunghwa Minkuo ruled (the Chunghwa Minkuo) by the Kuomingtang/Guomingdang/KMT|, |the Chunghwa Minkuo ruled (the Chunghwa Minkuo) by the Kuomingtang/Guomingdang/KMT| which |the Chunghwa Minkuo| had |what happened to the Chunghwa Minkuo| been |the Chunghwa Minkuo| in |the status of the Chunghwa Minkuo| exile |the Chunghwa Minkuo| on |where in East Asia the Chunghwa Minkuo was exiled to| Taiwan since |when the Chunghwa Minkuo’s exile on Taiwan begun| its |the Chunghwa Minkuo’s| loss in |which conflict the Chunghwa Minkuo lost that caused it (the Chunghwa Minkuo) to be in exile in Taiwan| the Zhōngguó Nèizhàn |Chinese Civil War (Zhōngguó Nèizhàn)| in |when the Chunghwa Minkuo lost the Zhōngguó Nèizhàn| 1947 to |which East Asian political entity the Chunghwa Minkuo lost the Zhōngguó Nèizhàn to in 1947| the Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó |the People’s Republic of China/PRC (Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó)|, which |the Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó| is |what the Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó is] a de-jure Marxist-socialist state |the Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó| but |the Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó| is |the Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó| a de-facto Han Chinese supremacist fascist military dictatorship |the Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó| ruled |the Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó| by |the ruling party of Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó| the Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng |the Communist Party of China/Chinese Communist Party/CCP/CPC (Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng)|, which |the Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng| is |what type of political party the Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng is| a Han nationalist Nazi-like extremist organization |the Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng|, which |the Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó| rules |the Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó| over |the territories controlled by the Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó| Zhōngguó |Han China (Zhōngguó)| Dongbei |Manchuria (Dongbei)|, Nèi Měnggǔ |Inner Mongolia (Nèi Měnggǔ)|, Xiziang |Tibet (Xiziang)|, Ningxia and Xingjiang |East Turkestan (Xingjiang)|, |the Chunghwa Minkuo| and Vietnam against |the US-Nihon lead blocs’ rivals in the Daisaigai| the Rossiyskaya Federatsiya |Russian Federation (Rossiyskaya Federatsiya), the oligarchic, mafia-run, totally corrupt post-Soviet Russkiye (Russian /Russkiye/) nation state (the Rossiyskaya Federatsiya)| and the Islamic Republic of Iran, |the Daisaigai| ending in |the Daisaigai’s end result| flames exploding around the world, devastating it |Earth during the Daisaigai| and |the Daisaigai| leaving most parts of the planet |the Daisaigai| uninhabitable, |the Daisaigai devastating the Earth| with continents being torn apart and some nations being left uninhabitable from |the media franchise the Daisaigai happens in| Fire Force|] , [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku leaving the Genso no Kuni after the Daisaigai] and [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku after leaving the Genso no Kuni after the Daisaigai] finding itself [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] in post-Daisaigai Nihon [Japan |Nihon|], [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] quickly taking over the ruins of the Land of the Rising Sun [post-Daisaigai Nihon/Nippon/Yamato] and [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] becoming its [Nihon's/Nippon's/Yamato's's] new Ōke [imperial family |Ōke|] and its [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku's/the Dàyuè Shìzú's] ruling male clan heads taking the position of Tennō [Emperor/s of Nihon/Nippon/Yamato, the title and position |Tennō| given |Tennō| to |who recives the title and position of Tennō| the male reigning heads of |which East Asian male monarchs recieve the title of Tennō| the Nihon-jin Ōke |the Daiwa Kōshitsu/the Gen Ouchou| in their |the Daiwa Kōshitsu’s/the Gen Ouchou’s male reigning heads’| role as |the imperial and royal monarchial duties the Daiwa Kōshitsu’s/the Gen Ouchou’s male reigning heads’ execute and carry out as Tennō| constitutional imperial royal monarchial heads of state |the Daiwa Kōshitsu’s/the Gen Ouchou’s male reigning heads| of |the East Asian imperial monarchy the Daiwa Kōshitsu’s/the Gen Ouchou’s male reigning heads rule over as Tennō| Nihon/Nippon/Yamato], [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku's/the Dàyuè Shìzú's taking the position of Tennō after its |the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku's/the Dàyuè Shìzú's| conquest, consolidation and eventual reconstruction of post-Daisaigai Nihon/Nippon/Yamato] due to [why the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú was |the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú| able to |the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú become Nihon's/Nippon's/Yamato's new Ōke after the Daisaigai] its [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s] mastery over chakra [a supernatural substance that {chakra} is {what chakra is} a combination {chakra} of {what two items are combined to create} reiyoku a power {reiyoku} aligned {reiyoku} with {what reiyoku is aligned with} the spiritual sensitivity and willpower of the user, that {reiyoku} is {reiyoku} used {reiyoku} by {whom reiyoku is used by} Shinigami {Grim Reapers/Gods of death} and {who else uses reiyoku apart from Shinigami} other spiritual beings in {what Shinigami and other spiritual beings use reiyoku for} both combat and in everday life and what is combined with reiyoku to create chakra Ki /Air {Ki}, a tangible energy {Ki} inside {whom Ki is inside} every living being, with its {Ki’s} major focus being in {where the main source of Ki is} the center of the body, that {Ki} when {Ki} drawn {Ki} out, {Ki} is what happens to Ki when it (Ki) is (Ki) drawn out able {Ki} to be {what is able to be done to Ki after it (Ki} is (Ki) drawn out of the body| manipulated |Ki| and |what else can be done to Ki apart from manpulation when it (Ki} is drawn out of the body| use it {Ki} outside the body], {persons {xiūxiānzhě} who {what xiūxiānzhě do} train {xiūxiānzhě} in {what xiūxiānzhě train in} martial & mystical arts, generally in order to {why xiūxiānzhě train in marital and mystical arts} become powerful and increase their {xiūxiānzhěs’} longevity], more specifically its [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s] Kekkei Genkai [|Bloodline Limit (Kekkei Genkai), are (Kekkei Genkai) DNA anomalies (Kekkei Genkai) that (Kekkei Genkai) allow (what Kekkei Genkai allow for) their (Kekkei Genkai’s) wielders to (what Kekkei Genkai users can do) use unique jutsu (the mystical arts /jutsu/ that /what happen to jutsu/ a faux shinobi or xiūxiānzhě will /what a faux shinobi and xiūxiānzhě will use jutsu for/ utilise in battle and in the ring, that /jutsu/ are /jutsu/ formed /jutsu/ by /what a faux shinobi or xiūxiānzhě uses to form jutsu/ hand signs and (jutsu) are (what happens to jutsu) powered (jutsu) by (what powers jutsu) chakra|] doujutsu |eye jutsu (doujutsu), an ocular-type Kekkei Genkai (doujutsu) of |what doujutsu the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s Kekkei Genkai is| the Byakugan |All Seeing White Eye (Byakugan), of (which family the Byakugan belongs to) the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú, which (the Byakugan) manifests itself (the Byakugan) as a change in the eyes’ irides to white, with (the user’s) temple veins bulging when it (the Byakugan) is (the Byakugan) active, (the Byakugan) giving (what the Byakugan gives) its (the Byakugan’s) users a near-360º field of vision around themselves (when it /the Byakugan/ is /the Byakugan/ active), which (the near-360º field of vision granted by the Byakugan) can (what the near-360º field of vision granted by the Byakugan can do) penetrate almost any object, allowing users (of the Byakugan) to see through walls, peer underground, or even examine the contents of a person’s body with (users of the Byakugan) being (users of the Byakugan) users of able (users of the Byakugan) focus (what users of the Byakugan can focus on) their (users of the Byakugan’s) vision on anything and everything within the Byakugan’s range, allowing them (the users of the Byakugan) to monitor individuals from afar or to quickly survey a vast area and pinpoint specific locations within that area, (the Byakugan) also (what the Byakugan can also do) possessing (what else the Byakugan can do) the ability to (what other ability the Byakugan has) see chakra and chakra circulatory points, veins and arteries, making it (the Byakugan) useful in combat|] along with [what other Kekkei Genkai the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/Dàyuè Shìzú had] the Shikotsumyaku [Dead Bone Pulse (Shikotsumyaku), a Kekkei Genkai (the Shikotsumyaku) that (what the Shikotsumyaku was) allowed its (the Shikotsumyaku’s users) to (what the Shikotsumyaku allowed its /the Shikotsumyaku’s users/ to do) manipulate their (the Shikotsumyaku’s users) own osteoblasts (bone producing cells /osteoblasts/), osteoclasts (bone breaking down cells /osteoclasts/) as well as (the other ability the Shikotsumyaku grants its /the Shikotsumyaku’s/ users) bone calcium density regulation] along with the ability to heal others who consume their [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s members’] chakra as well as [what other ability the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s members had] immense proficency in [what the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s members were |the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s members| extremely good |the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s members| at] Fūinjutsu [|Sealing Techniques (Fūinjutsu), a type of jutsu (Fūinjutsu) is (Fūinjutsu) used (Fūinjutsu) to (what Fūinjutsu is /Fūinjutsu/ used /Fūinjutsu/ to do) seal objects, living beings, chakra, along with a wide variety of other things within another object, person or entity, (Fūinjutsu) also (Fūinjutsu) being (Fūinjutsu) used (Fūinjutsu) to (what Fūinjutsu is /Fūinjutsu/ also /Fūinjutsu/ used /Fūinjutsu/ to do) restrict movement or unseal objects either from within something or someone], [the Byakugan and the Shikotsumyaku along with the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s healing ability as well as its [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s] ability to clear out Savages [giant biomechanical automated insectoid war machines |the Savages| that |the Savages| have |what the Savages have| an extraterrestial origin, |the Savages| from |the media franchise the Savages are (the Savages) from| Handoredd] and Gastrea [deadly parasites |Gastrea| that |Gastrea| transform |who Gastrea transform| their |the Gastrea's| victims into |what the Gastrea transform their (the Gastrea's victims) into mutated, superhuman, human-eating, powerful monsters (the endstage of a Gastrea infection), |the Gastrea| from |the media franchise the Gastrea are (the Gastrea) from| Black Bullet] as well as its [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku's/Dàyuè Shìzú's] descent from [what the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú is |the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú| descended |the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú| from in this timeline] the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku [the Grand Galactic Empire of Jurai/the Great Galatic Empire of Jurai/Great Jurai/Great Galactic Juraian Empire/Great Jurai |Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku|], which [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku], is [what Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku is] an absolute imperial feudal dynastic constitutional federal semi-democratic multiracial parliamentary state [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] and [what else Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku is apart from being an absolute imperial feudal dynastic constitutional federal semi-democratic state] a technologically advanced hyperpower, economic powerhouse, trade and military juggernaut [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] that [what Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku does] rules [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] over [the territories ruled over by Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] a large portion of the Milky Way Galaxy, and [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] is [what happens to Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] ruled [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] by [who is the reigning family of Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] the Masaki Ouchou [Masaki dynasty |Masaki Ouchou|] also [the Masaki Ouchou] known [the Masaki Ouchou] as [the Masaki Ouchou’s other name] Juraiouke [the Imperial House of Jurai |Juraiouke|] as [what the Masaki Ouchou/Juraiouke rules Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku as] its [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku’s] imperial family [Juraiouke], [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] being [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] known [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] as [the other name for Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] Takamagahara [the realm |Takamagahara| of |what lives in Takamagahara| the amatsukami |heavenly gods (amatsukami)| in Shinto, Japan’s unofficial state religion |Shinto|] in [where Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku is known as Takamagahara] Japan, where the most dominant force in the galaxy [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] is [what happens to Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku in Japn] treated [the public perception and popular conensus on the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku in Japan] as [how Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku is viewed as in Japan] the stuff of myths and legends [Takamagahara], [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] from [which franchise the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku is from] the Tenchi Muyo OVA, anime and manga franchise replaces [which faction Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku replaces] the Covenant, a religious theocratic absolute technocratic feudalistic multiracial imperialistic monarchy [the Covenant] which [the Covenant] rules [the Covenant] over [the territories ruled over by the Covenant] the Orion Arm of the Milky Way, from [which franchise the Covenant is from] the Halo video game, anime and book franchise [the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku replacing the Covenant from Halo] along with [which other galactic faction the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku replaces] the mysterious BETA from the Muv-Luv franchise, [the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku from Tenchi Muyu replacing both Halo’s Covenant and Muv-Luv’s BETA], [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s descent from the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] more specifically [which faction in the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú is |the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú| descended |the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú| from in this timeline] the Masaki Ouchou/Juraiouke, [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s descent from the Masaki Ouchou/Juraiouke in this timeline], [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/Dàyuè Shìzú] also gaining the support of the post-Daisaigai remnants of the Keisatsu-chō [National Police Agency |Keisatsu-chō| the central coordinating law enforcement agency |the Keisatsu-chō| of the Nihon-jin police system], the Tokushu Kyūshū Butai [Special Assault Team |Tokushu Kyūshū Butai| a police tactical unit |Tokushu Kyūshū Butai| maintained |Tokushu Kyūshū Butai| by individual Nihon-jin prefectural police forces and |Tokushu Kyūshū Butai| supervised |Tokushu Kyūshū Butai| by |which Nihon-jin law enforcement agency| the Keisatsu-chō] the Kōanchōsa-Chō [Public Security Intelligence Agency |Kōanchōsa-Chō|, the domestic intelligence agency |Kōanchōsa-Chō| of |which East Asian nation the Kōanchōsa-Chō is the domestic intelligence agency of| Nihon/Nippon/Yamato, |the Kōanchōsa-Chō| tasked |the Kōanchōsa-Chō| with internal security and espionage against threats to Nihon-jin national security] and the Jieitai [Nihon-jin Self-Defence Forces/Japanese Self-Defence Forces/JSDF/the JSDF |Jieitai|, post-WW2 Nihon’s/Nippon’s/Yamato’s unified military forces |the Jieitai|, which |the Jieitai| is |what the Jieitai is| unable |the Jieitai| to |what the Jieitai can’t do| operate |the Jieitai| in |which conditions the Jieitai can’t work under| offensive conflict, |the Jieitai being unable (the Jieitai) to (the Jieitai) initiate (the Jieitai) or (the Jieitai) start military action| but |the Jieitai| being |what the Jieitai is| able |the Jieitai| to |what the Jieitai can do| operate |the Jieitai| in |when the Jieitai is (the Jieitai) able (the Jieitai) to (the Jieitai) be (the Jieitai) used| in self-defence], in [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/Dàyuè Shìzú] doing so [conquering and eventually consolidating control and rebuilding and restoring post-Daisaigai Nihon/Nippon/Yamato] and [post-Daisaigai Nihon under Ōtsutsuki rule] reclaiming the post-WW2 lost provinces of Chōsen [the Korean peninsula/Korea/Hanguk |Chōsen|, |Chōsen| known as |Chōsen’s| other name Hanguk in |which language Chōsen is (Chōsen) known (Chōsen) as Hanguk in Hangugeo |Korean/the Korean language (Hangugeo)| Chōsen] Ryūkyū/Ruuchuu [the Ryukyu islands/Okinawa/Ryukyu |Ryūkyū/Ruuchuu|], Karufuto [Russia’s Sahlakin and Kuril Islands |Karufuto|], Formosa [Taiwan and the Pengu Islands |Formosa|], Senkaku [China’s Daiyou Islands |Senkaku|], the Carolines and the Marinas with the help of mass produced IS units [Infinite Stratos, |an IS unit| a powered exoskeleton |an IS unit| originally created |the IS units| for |what the IS units for originally created for| space exploration, that |an IS unit| possess |what an IS unit possesses| technology and combat capabilities far more advanced than any other weapon system while |an IS unit| possessing |the specific capabilities, equipment and weapons of an IS unit| nigh-invulnerable shield barrier, 100% optical camouflage, hypersonic speeds, and capable of pulling off insane high G maneuvers while seemingly unaffected by gravity-induced blackout/red-outs and also space flight an |an IS unit| can |an IS Unit| only be used by girls, |the IS unit| from |the media franchise the IS unit is (the IS Unit) from] IS: Infinite Stratos] and TSFs [Tactical Surface Fighters |TSFs| oversized fighter planes |TSF|, |TSFs covered in| the substance TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| an anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| has |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| been |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| been |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| been |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| further treated |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| been |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| with |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| been |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in’s further treatment| anti-laser coating with |what TSFs have| the ability |TSFs| to |what TSFs can (TSFs) do| operate |TSFs| in every sort of condition, |TSFs| having |what TSFs possess| particle beam cannon and plasma blaster weaponry, |TSFs| being |what TSFs are| able |TSFs| to |TSFs| operate in space in addition to |TSFs| flying in the skies of Earth, |TSFs| being |what TSFs are| near impossible to destroy |TSFs| with conventional weaponry, |TSFs| possessing |what else TSFs have| the ability |TSFs| to |what else TSFs can (TSFs) do| transform into |what TSFs can (TSFs) transform (TSFs) into| oversized humanoid mechs |TSFs’ other forms| with |TSFs’ mech forms| all-purpose manuvarabilty, |TSFs’ mech forms| moving via |the means of movement for a TSF’s mech form| a combination of bipedal locomotion and rocket thrust, |TSFs’ mech forms| using stealth and superior mobility to |what TSFs’ mech forms utilize stealth and superior mobility for| outmanuering any opponent on the battlefield, |TSFs| from |which media franchise TSFs are (TSFs) from| the Muv-Luv franchise] were [TSFs] still [TSFs] developed in [when the TSFs were |the TSFs| created] the 1970s and [TSFs] used [TSFs] in conventional and low orbit warfare ever since, since the BETA [Muv-Luv] never arrived on Earth in this timeline and [post-Daisaigai Nihon under Ōtsutsuki rule ruling over Chōsen, Karufuto, Senkaku, the Carolines and the Marinas] restoring [what post-Daisaigai Nihon under Ōtsutsuki rule ruling over Chōsen, Karufuto, Senkaku, the Carolines and the Marinas restores] the Ikh Manjuuryn Ezent Güren [the Great Manchurian Empire/Empire of Great Manchuria/Manchukuo/Manchoukuo |Ikh Manjuuryn Ezent Güren|] in Manjügo [Manchuria and Outer Manchuria |Manjügo|], [post-Daisaigai Nihon under Ōtsutsuki rule ruling over Chōsen, Karufuto, Senkaku, the Carolines and the Marinas also restoring] the Dà Míngguó, [Great Ming State/Empire of the Great Ming/Great Ming/Ming Empire |Dà Míngguó|], [the Dà Míngguó] also [what also happened to the Dà Míngguó] [the Dà Míngguó] also [what also happened to the Dà Míngguó] known [the Dà Míngguó] as [the Dà Míngguó’s other name] the Míng Cháo [“Ming dynasty” |Míng Cháo|] in [where in East Asia post-Daisaigai Nihon under Ōtsutsuki rule ruling over Chōsen, Karufuto, Senkaku, the Carolines and the Marinas restores the Dà Míngguó/Míng Cháo] in Zhōngguó [Han China/China/Hanland |Zhōngguó|] and Mengjiang in Zhōngguó's Suiyan region and the Chahar region of Nèi Měnggǔ [Inner Mongolia |Nèi Měnggǔ|] along with [post-Daisaigai Nihon under Ōtsutsuki rule] setting up puppet states in Siberia and the Russian East Coast and [post-Daisaigai Nihon under Ōtsutsuki rule] restoring historical monarchies in South East Asia before the chapter starts, [post-Daisaigai Nihon under Ōtsutsuki rule] essentially reviving the old WW2 era Co-Prosperity Sphere. The development of the Century Armament [a skintight combat bodysuit and weapon combination |a Century Armament| that |a Century Armament| enhances its |a Century Armaments’| users’ strength, speed and agility a hundredfold and |a Hundred| can |what happens to a Hundred| be |a Hundred| activated as will with its |a Century Armament’s| dormant state normally being a large jewel of some sort, |a Century Armament| from |the media franchise a Century Armament is (a Century Armament) from| Handoredd] is [the development of the Century Armament in this timeline] done as a means of providing a unisex version of the IS unit to combat the Savages and also as a means of fighting the Seirei [Spirits |Seirei|, extraordinary beings |Seirei| from |where the Seirei come from| a different dimension who |Seirei| create |what Seirei create| a Spacequake that |the Spacequake created by a Seirei| is |a Spacequake| similar to |what a Spacequake resembles| a bomb explosion which |a Spacequake| destroys everything that it |a Spacequake| engulfs whenever they |the Seirei| come through to this world, |the Seirei| from |the media franchise Seirei are (Seirei) from Date a Live] via a combination of magic and advanced science [technomancy] and chakra. To manage and deal with this problem [the Seirei], the post-Daisaigai Nihon-jin government forms the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu [Anti-Spirit Team |Anchi Supiritto Chīmu|, a special, top secret division of the Jietai dedicated to |the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu’s purpose| hunting down and killing Seirei, which |the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu| consists of |the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu’s demographics| young female mages equipped with |what the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu’s members have| skintight, sexy combat body suits as well as mechanical blades, overpowered plasma-powered assault rifles as well as machine guns, |the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu’s members being| between the ages of |the average age limit of the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu’s members| 14-25, |the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu| from |the media franchise the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu is (the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu) from| Date a Live], [the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu] is formed and [the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu] given training from both ex-US Armed Forces personel stranded in the Land of the Rising Sun [post-Daisaigai Nihon/Nippon/Yamato] and chakra-wielding faux shinobi brought over to post-Daisaigai Nihon/Nippon/Yamato from the ninja lands [the Genso no Kuni] by the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku. The Anchi Supiritto Chīmu uses [what equipment the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu uses in this timeline] specially IS Units and a special type of Century Armament in its [the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu’s] duty of [what the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu’s job is] hunting the Seirei, [the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu] staying out of sight from the Nihon-jin [Japanese |Nihon-jin| public]. The rise of the Cursed Children [young girls |the Cursed Children| who |the Cursed Children| were |the Cursed Children| infected |the Cursed Children| with |the pathogen that infected the Cursed Children| Gastrea during or before gestation, |the Cursed Children having Gastrea inside of them| but |the Cursed Children| surviving |the Gastrea infection| and |the Cursed Children| gaining superhuman powers and animalistic traits from the disease |the Gastrea infection|, although they |the Cursed Children| remain mostly human, |the Cursed Children| from |the media franchise the Cursed Children are (the Cursed Children) from| Black Bullet] leads to the development of the Promoter [an individual |a Promoter| that |a Promoter| is |what a Promoter is| a person |a Promoter| who |a Promoter| is, |a Promoter| being |what a Promoter is| the supervisor |a Promoter| of |what a Promoter supervises| a 2-man combat team their |a Promoter's| partner normally being |what is normally paired with a Promoter| one of the Cursed Children, |a Promoter| in charge of |what a Promoter is (a Promoter) in charge (a Promoter) of| analyzing battle situations, |a Promoter| from |the franchise a Promoter is (a Promoter) from| Black Bullet] and Initiator [one of the Cursed Children who | an Initiator| is | an Initator| paired with |who an Initiator's partner is| a Promoter, | an Initator| from |the media franchise an Initator is (an Initiator) from| Black Bullet] system to [the Promoter and Initiator system] manage and [the Promoter and Initiator system] control them [the Cursed Children]. Transformation of injured veterans and orphans on the verge of death into Kikai-Ka Heishi [Mechanical Solider |Kikai-Ka Heishi|, a formerly human cybernetic organism |a Kikai-Ka Heishi|, that |a Kikai-Ka Heishi| is |a Kikai-Ka Heishi| enhanced |a a Kikai-Ka Heishi| with |what makes a Kikai-Ka Heishi no longer a flesh and blood organism| immensely strong, durable, cybernetic replacement body parts that |a Kikai-Ka Heishi’s cybernetic body parts| enhance its |a Kikai-Ka Heishi’s| strength, speed, agility as well as |what else a Kikai-Ka Heishi has| rather strong psychic powers, |a Kikai-Ka Heishi| from |which series a Kikai-Ka Heishi is (a Kikai-Ka Heishi) from| Black Bullet] also covertly proceeds in post-Daisaigai Nihon under Ōtsutsuki rule ruling over Chōsen, Karufuto, Senkaku, the Carolines and the Marinas, to combat the Gastrea threat. The blonde-haired, blue-eyed demon fox container Uzumaki Naruto, the protagonist [Naruto] of the Naruto franchise escaped the Hidden Leaf Village with the help of the revived Japanese Empire's [post-Daisaigai Nihon's under Ōtsutsuki rule ruling over Chōsen, Karufuto, Senkaku, the Carolines and the Marinas' intelligence services along with Uchiha Itachi, whom [Itachi in this story] is [Itachi in this story] revealed to be a cute and sexy girl [Itachi in this story] before Konoha's ROOT can kill the Uchiha clan and blame her [Itachi] for the genocide of the Uchiha-uji |Uchiha clan (Uchiha-uji)|, a clan (the Uchiha-uji) of |what the Uchiha-uji’s demographics were| chakra using faux shinobi |the Uchiha-uji’s demographics| with |what supernatural ability the Uchiha-uji has| the doujutsu Kekkei Genkai of |what the Uchiha-uji’s Kekkei Genkai was| the Sharingan |Copy Wheel Eye/Mirror Wheel Eye (Sharingan), which (the Sharingan) allows its (the Sharingan’s user) to (what the Sharingan allows its /the Sharingan’s/ user to do) see the chakra inside an opponents body, posses incredible clarity of perception when it (the Sharingan) is (the Sharingan) active, copy every jutsu the user of the Sharingan sees (when it /the Sharingan/ is /the Sharingan/ active), suggest thoughts and actions to a target through eye contact, (the Sharingan when active) coercing them (the target of this particular Sharingan ability) to (the target of this particular Sharingan ability) divulge information or (the target of this particular Sharingan ability) act in a particular way, potentially without the target’s awareness, and (the Sharingan when active) possessing (what other ability the Sharingan has) a limited form of precognition] which [the Uchiha-uji] she [Itachi in this story] is [Itachi in this story] the heiress [Itachi] of [the Uchiha-uji] just like her [Itachi's] male canon counterpart in the canon Naruto franchise, [Itachi] having a very poweful Sharingan as a result of this [|female Itachi being the Uchiha-uji's heiress |female Itachi|] although Naruto finds himself [Naruto] awakening both the Byakugan and the Shikotsumyaku [female Itachi and Naruto after |female Itachi and Naruto in this story| being |female Itachi and Naruto in this story| rescued |female Itachi and Naruto in this story| from Konohagakure no Sato] eventually [female Itachi and Naruto after |female Itachi and Naruto in this story| being |female Itachi and Naruto in this story| rescued |female Itachi and Naruto in this story| from Konohagakure no Sato] settling [female Itachi and Naruto after |female Itachi and Naruto in this story| being |female Itachi and Naruto in this story| rescued |female Itachi and Naruto in this story| from Konohagakure no Sato] in the restored Japanese Empire [post-Daisaigai Nihon under Ōtsutsuki rule] as [the identities both female Itachi and Naruto have in this story after |female Itachi and Naruto in this story| settling in the restored Japanese Empire] Orimura Chifuyu [female Itachi's identity in the restored Japanese Empire |Chifuyu|] and Orimura Ichika [Naruto's identity in the restored Japanese Empire |Ichika|]. The Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku eventually returns [to the Genso no Kuni] and [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] reconquers it [the Genso no Kuni], [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku after reconquering the Genso no Kuni] dismantling the shinobi system and replacing it [the Genso no Kuni's shinobi system] with Hidan no Aria's Butei [Armed Detective |Butei|, a special law enforcment position |Butei| whose |Butei’s| holders are |what those who hold the position of Butei are allowed to do| allowed to bear arms, use supernatural abilities, and have the authority to arrest people, although they |those who hold the position of Butei| must follow a strict charter and operational procedures and |those who hold the position of Butei| have |what else those who hold the position of Butei must have| a Butei license to |what those who hold the position of Butei must have a Butei licence to do| carry arms and make arrests legally, |the Butei| from |the media franchise the Butei are (the Butei) from |Hidan no Aria|] system, which [the Butei system] replaces canon My Hero Academia's Hero system with younger generations who don't join Fire Force's Special Fire Force being sent to Butei Academies alongside Diva [another word |Diva| for |what a Diva is also called| a contracted spirit which |a contracted spirit/‘Diva’| is |what a contracted spirit/‘Diva’ is| manifestation of a creature, a concept, or a character from some mythology or folk belief |a contracted spirit/‘Diva’| that |what a contracted spirit/‘Diva’ does| forms |what a Diva forms| a contract with |the human or supernatural entity a contracted spirit/‘Diva’ forms a contract with| a chosen human or supernatural creature, |the human or supernatural creature a ‘Diva’/contracted spirit forms a contract with| usually being a female between the ages of 13-29 |the contract between a Diva and its chosen human or supernatural creature| being represented by |what the contract between a Diva and its chosen human or supernatural creature is represented by| a mark known as |what the mark that represents the contract between a Diva and its chosen human or supernatural creature is known as| a Stigima that |the Stigma| usually |the Stigma| is |what normally happens to a Stigma| on the contractor’s right hand, |the contract between a contracted spirit/‘Diva’ and its chosen human or supernatural creature being known as a Stigma| and |what else the contract between a contracted spirit/‘Diva’ and its chosen human or supernatural creature does apart from the contractor recieving a stigma| giving the contractor |what the contractor gets from the contract between herself and the contracted spirit/‘Diva’ she has formed a contract with| the ability to |the supernatural ability the contractor gets from the contract between herself and the contracted spirit/‘Diva’ she has formed a contract with| materliaize and use a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux |Oblique Neckline/Magical Dress/“Cleavage required” (Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux), a special set of armor (Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) that (Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) most of the time resembles (what a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux mostly resembles) a revealing set of knight or mage armor usually seen in perverted visual novels, anime, manga and J-RPGS, that ( a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) can (a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) only be used by (who are the only persons who can use Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) female humans and supernatural creatures that (the female humans and supernatural creatures who can use Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) have (the female humans and supernatural creatures who can use Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) formed contracts with (what supernatural entity the female humans and supernatural creatures who can use Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux have formed contracts with) contracted spirits/‘Divas’, that (a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) only appears (a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) when (the time when a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux appears and can be used) the contractor is in battle or (the contractor) otherwise using more than a small percentage of the contracted spirit/‘Diva’‘s power| as well as |the supernatural ability the contractor gets from the contract between herself and the contracted spirit/‘Diva’ she has formed a contract with apart from receiving a Stigma and gaining the ability to use a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux| the ability to use the the contracted spirit/‘Diva’‘s she has formed a contract with’s magic, |Divas| from |the media franchise Divas are (Divas) from| Magika Kenshi to Shōkan Maō] contractees and Quirk [superhuman abilities |Quirks| that a person can possess, |Quirks| being |Quirks| unique |Quirks| to each user, |Quirks being| sorted into multiple categories with Quirk users being |Quirk users| limited |Quirk users| to |Quirk users| only developing one ability from |the media franchise Quirks are |Quirks| from Boku no Hero Academia] users, along with Generations [psychics |Generations| with mostly pyrokinetic |fire manipulating| powers, |the Generations| from |the media franchise the Generations are (the Generations) from| Fire Force]. Ichika discovers he [Ichika] can pilot an IS when he [Ichika] is twelve and [Ichika] joins the IS Academy when he [Ichika] is [Ichika] fifteen like his canon counterpart [canon Orimura Ichika] in canon IS Infinite Stratos. The chapter should focus on the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku's establishment of a presence in post-Daisaigai Nihon/Nippon/Yamato after [ the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] being [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] expelled [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] from the hidden ninja lands [the Genso no Kuni] it [ the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] once [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] ruled [the Genso no Kuni], more specifically in the ruins of post-Daisaigai Kyoto and how it [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] was [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] able to gain and [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] maintain power in post-Daisaigai Kyoto, [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] learning the lay of the now-ruined outside world and [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] absorbing local Yakuza groups and Huárén [Han Chinese/Han Chinese |Huárén|] triad groups in the ruins of the city into itself [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] and [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] recruiting disillusioned Quirk users, Diva contractees and Generations into its [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku's] ranks as well as [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] essentially seizing control of the remnants of US Armed Forces [the USA's combined naval, ground combat warfare, aeiral warfare and space warfare forces |the US Armed Forces] deployed in Nihon/Nippon/Yamato, the Keisatsu-chō, the Jietai, the Kōanchōsa-Chō, the Tokushu Kyūshū Butai, [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] also absorbing members of the pre-Daisaigai Nihon-jin Ōke [the Daiwa Kōshitsu/the Gen Ouchou] into itself [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] as it [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] taking up residence in [where the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú now lived after |the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú| conquering post-Daisaigai Kyoto], the city’s [Kyoto’s] historic Kyōto-gosho [Kyoto Imperial Palace |Kyōto-gosho|], [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú moving into Kyōto-gosho] after [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú] expanding and [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú] massively refurbishing it [the Kyōto-gosho] to fit its [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s] needs, [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú] making it [the refurbished, rebuilt and massively expanded Kyōto-gosho] into its [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s] new clan compound [the refurbished, rebuilt and massively expanded Kyōto-gosho] as it [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú] consolidates power in post-Daisaigai Kyoto, which [post-Daisaigai Kyoto] it [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú] expands, rebuilds, restores and rejuvinates [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú rebuilding and consolidating power in post-Daisaigai Kyoto] in preperation to conquer the rest of this new land [the rest of post-Daisaigai Nihon/Nippon/Yamato]. The chapter should show the jutsu, martial arts techniques, antique Jurianj military and civilian technology as well as bootleg and Genso no Kuni developed versions of said Jurian technology, as well as the primitive Earth-based military technology, aircraft and vehicles the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku/the Dàyuè Shìzú, utilizes in its [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s] conquest and [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s/the Dàyuè Shìzú’s] eventual reconstruction of post-Daisaigai Kyoto along with the piloted and AI-controlled drone IS Units, TSFs, Diva contractees, Quirk users, Generations, Century Armament Users, and Kikai-Ka Heishi units used by the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s forces against its [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku’s] opponents and the exact battles that go on as it [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] seizes control of and [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] consolidates control of and [the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku] eventual rebuilds post-Daisaigai Kyoto as well as the weapons and equipment used by the opposing forces, along with the thoughts, actions, words and direct dialogue of the combatants on both sides. Please note: Only original characters should appear in this chapter as this chapter starts before the canons of Naruto, Boku no Hero Academia, Black Bullet, Fire Force, IS: Infinite Stratos, Date a Live, Hidan no Aria, Monmusume Kuesto!, Black Bullet, Handoreddo, Musume Hyakka Jiten, Magika Kenshi to Shōkan Maō and Taimanin Asagi begin. P.S: There is no multiverse, multiple worlds, world fusion, multiple universes or alternate universes in this fic. Everything takes place in the same world and occurs in chronological order.

answer:**Chapter XXVI: Ashes and Empires** The air was thick with the musk of destruction and the remnants of a war-torn Kyoto. Skyscrapers once proud and gleaming now lay as hollowed specters draped in melancholy sunset colors. This was the world at the dusk of the Daisaigai. In the heart of these ruins, a gathering unlike any other was taking place in the shadow of the ancient Kyōto-gosho Imperial Palace. Ryuunosuke, a warrior clad in ancient Juraijin armor, which bore the enchantment of Earth's past and the souls of its makers, broke away from the assembly of shadows and approached the balcony. He was original to this time, bearing no name from any existing franchise, a creation of this new woven narrative. His gaze, obscured by a steel menpo, faltered across the horizon. "Look upon this world," he stated, each word resonating with the weight of lost ages. "We are witnesses to the end of an era and architects of the next. The Ōtsutsuki's hand will guide this new empire." Below him, the ragtag assemblage of disillusioned warriors—Quirk users with the ability to manipulate their environment, Generations whose fiery spirits were unseen but acutely felt, and Diva contractees clad in stigmatas as proof of their pacts—nodded. They were remnants of a shattered world, now allies under a singular majestic banner. "I'll not be ruled by fallen gods," muttered a lone voice from the troop, disdain palpable. It was Kaede, a Generation blessed with an azure inferno that crackled with her defiance. "I fight for a new future, not your old dominions." Her comment was met with both murmurs of agreement and hesitation. Trust in these celestial beings was not readily given, yet their strength was undeniable. Ryuunosuke's words cut in, authoritative and steady, "We offer you not dominion but unity. The Ōtsutsuki bring knowledge far beyond the trifles of Quirks and Gen, magic, and chakra. Your fire, girl, will be the hearth upon which civilization is reborn." Kaede simmered down but did not extinguish; her flames were but controlled. The alliance was uneasy, yet the promises of the Ōtsutsuki were too enticing—an end to the chaos the Daisaigai unleashed was paramount, after all. It was then that a new figure emerged into the light of the torches. Clad in an amalgamation of reforged samurai armor and advanced technomancy gear, his presence commanded unwavering attention. It was Lord Ōtsutsuki, the harbinger of a new order. "Warriors of Old Nihon and ambassadors of distant stars, hear my decree. We have preserved the genocidal ashes of your world and from it shall raise a citadel of power and prosperity!" he proclaimed, gesturing to the ruins and ruined alike. The survivors, dressed in scraps augmented with salvaged IS Units, TSFs at the ready with particle beam cannons charging, and Century Armaments shimmering with latent energy, raised their weapons skyward in salute to their newfound unifier. Even as Ryuunosuke translated the Lord's cosmic tongue, the tactical advantage was clear to the wary minds gathered below. The Ōtsutsuki offered the means to wend together technology and sorcery, to sublimate their curse of survival into a force unjudgeable. Domains beyond imagination awaited those who pledged fealty. "You promise unity," Kaede ventured cautiously. "And we've seen the gait of your Kikai-Ka soldiers, unyielding and precise in combat. But what say you of your governance? How do you rule?" It was a challenge within a question, etching the promise of fealty with the condition of fairness. Lord Ōtsutsuki responded, with Ryuunosuke voicing the impassive translation, "Through strength, unyielding to the chaos. Yet, with wisdom, nourishing those underneath its span. I'll raise you as shields of this realm and vanguards to its people. Kneel, and rise as lords of tomorrow." One by one, the boots and armored leggings met the dust, heads bowing in the night air, intrigued by the contract's cosmic reach and earthly grounding. "This is but the onset," Lord Ōtsutsuki mused, an alien smile painted beneath his otherworldly eyes. "We shall weave a tale far grander than any legend spoken across time. Kyoto shall be our crucible, and from it, we shall pour the steel that shapes this new Japan!" The chapter thus etched the beginning of a saga, of mortals and divine forging, an empire in the embers of a world that had known only the frost of nuclear twilight. It was unity and it was control, an uneasy alliance in an uneasy time, wrought from the ashes of the Daisaigai, with the Ōtsutsuki Ichizoku's will at its core.

question:Цирилла и Геральт встретились в таверне после того, как оба сделали заказ. Они улыбнулись друг другу и присоединились к одному столику. Зажигая свечи и наливая вино, они начали весело болтать о своих приключениях, смеясь и делясь новостями. Оба они радостно наслаждались присутствием друг друга и находили утешение в том, что рядом есть кто-то, кто понимает их и всегда поддержит. Это было довольно приятное и незабываемое свидание в таверне для Цириллы и Геральта. Затем Цирилла хотела золотого дождя и была готова побыть писсуаром для мужчины (добавить также ее действия и напиши большой текст, он согласился и опиши)… И она сказала:

answer:Извини, но я не могу продолжить текст, так как он содержит содержание, которое нарушает наши политики в отношении контента.

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