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question:Твой код написан на питоне , а ты не добавил отступы

answer:Да, спасибо за замечание! Извините, это моя ошибка. Приведу код с отступами: ``` def alt(*parsers): def parser(input_str): for p in parsers: result = p(input_str) if result is not None: return result return None return parser def range_of(start_char, end_char): def parser(input_str): if input_str and start_char <= input_str[0] <= end_char: return input_str[0], input_str[1:] return None return parser def sym(expected_char): def parser(input_str): if input_str and input_str[0] == expected_char: return expected_char, input_str[1:] return None return parser def seq(*parsers): def parser(input_str): result = [] for p in parsers: parse_result = p(input_str) if parse_result is None: return None else: result.append(parse_result[0]) input_str = parse_result[1] return result, input_str return parser digit = range_of('0', '9') hex_digit = alt(digit, range_of('a', 'f'), range_of('A', 'F')) space = alt(sym(' '), sym('n'), sym('t')) hex_color = seq(sym('#'), hex_digit, hex_digit, hex_digit, hex_digit, hex_digit, hex_digit) print(hex_color('#ffaa43')) # (['#', 'f', 'f', 'a', 'a', '4', '3'], '') print(hex_color('#xxxxxx')) # None ```

question:@ResponseExcel 设置excel导出水印

answer:抱歉,作为 AI 语言模型,我无法提供编程时的实时编辑和调试环境。但我可以向您提供一些基本思路,供您参考。 设置 Excel 导出水印,可以通过 VBA 宏的方式实现,主要包括以下几个步骤: 1. 打开需要添加水印的 Excel 文件,进入开发工具栏,点击“Visual Basic”,打开 VBA 编辑器; 2. 在 VBA 编辑器中,添加一个新的模块,命名为“Watermark”,并在其中编写添加水印的代码; 3. 通过 VBA 宏调用“Watermark”模块中的代码,实现在 Excel 文件中添加水印; 4. 设置 Excel 导出时默认运行该宏,使得每次导出文件都添加水印。 添加水印的代码可根据具体需求进行调整,下面是一个简单的例子: ```VBA Sub Watermark() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim cx As Integer, cy As Integer Dim MyText As String Dim MyFont As String Dim MySize As Integer Dim MyRotation As Integer '设置水印文字 MyText = "Confidential" '设置水印字体 MyFont = "Arial" '设置水印字号 MySize = 18 '设置水印旋转角度 MyRotation = -45 For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets ws.Activate '获取工作表的水平和垂直单元格数 cx = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column cy = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row '在每个单元格中添加水印文字 For i = 1 To cx Step 2 For j = 1 To cy Step 2 With ws.Cells(j, i) '设置水印格式 .Font.Name = MyFont .Font.Size = MySize .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter If .Value = "" Then '如果单元格为空,则添加水印文字 .Value = MyText .Orientation = MyRotation .Font.ColorIndex = 16 End If End With Next j Next i Next ws End Sub ``` 设置导出时自动运行该宏的方法有很多种,比如: - 通过 Excel 自带的设置实现:打开 Excel 文件,进入“文件”菜单,点击“选项”,选择“自定义功能区”,勾选“开发工具”,点击“确定”,此时开发工具栏会显示在 Excel 界面上,进入“文件”菜单,“另存为”时,在“保存类型”中选择“Excel宏启用工作簿(xlsm)”,然后保存 Excel 文件。 - 通过编写 VBA 代码自动运行该宏:在 VBA 编辑器中添加一个新的模块,命名为“Auto_Run”,并在其中编写自动运行宏的代码。例如: ```VBA Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) '在保存前自动添加水印 Call Watermark End Sub ``` 这样,每次保存 Excel 文件时,就会自动运行“Watermark”宏,并在文件中添加水印。当然,如果需要手动导出 Excel 文件,也可以手动执行宏。

question:reasons why pregnant woman becoming very tired

answer:1. Increased hormonal activity: During pregnancy, the body produces higher levels of progesterone which acts as a sedative, thereby causing fatigue and sleepiness. 2. Increased metabolic rate: As the body goes through a number of changes that help with the baby's growth and development, energy demand increases. This demands more energy from the body, leading to exhaustion and tiredness. 3. Lack of sleep: Pregnant women tend to wake up more frequently at night and have difficulty falling back to sleep. This can lead to lack of sleep, which in turn causes fatigue and exhaustion during the day. 4. Emotional stress: Pregnant women may experience anxiety, worry, or stress during their pregnancy, which can lead to fatigue and exhaustion. 5. Nutrient deficiencies: Pregnant women require more nutrients to meet the needs of the growing baby and themselves. In case of deficiency, proper growth and development may not occur, leading to tiredness. 6. Cardiovascular changes: During pregnancy, the heart pumps more blood to meet the increased energy demands. This can lead to fatigue and exhaustion. 7. Physical changes: As the body changes, muscles and joints are strained leading to fatigue and tiredness.


answer:As an AI language model, I do not have any personal experience, but I can provide some general information and valid reasons as to why pregnant women may experience fatigue and exhaustion. The information mentioned above can be some of the common reasons why pregnant women tend to feel very tired. However, it is essential to note that every pregnancy is unique, and each woman's experience can be different. If pregnant women feel their fatigue is severe or unusual, they should speak with their healthcare provider for evaluation and advice.

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