answer:业务系统微服务架构重构的好处有: 1. 模块化设计:业务系统微服务架构可以将整个业务系统分解为一系列的微服务,每一个微服务可以独立开发、部署和维护。这种模块化设计可以帮助企业更加灵活地对整个业务系统进行管理和维护。 2. 提高可伸缩性和弹性:微服务架构的业务系统可以根据业务需求动态地调整部署资源,保证系统的可伸缩性和弹性。这样可以更好地应对高峰期业务量的挑战。 3. 提高服务质量:微服务架构可以将不同业务模块的开发、部署和运维分离开来,这样可以更加专注于每一个模块的功能和特性,从而提高服务质量。 4. 降低故障影响:如果业务系统出现故障,微服务架构可以在故障发生时及时隔离并修复问题,而不会影响到整个业务系统的运行。 5. 更好的创新性和灵活应对变化:业务系统微服务架构可以根据业务需要灵活地调整不同微服务的功能和接口。这种灵活性可以让企业更好地应对市场变化和用户需求。 综合来看,业务系统微服务架构重构具有模块化设计、可伸缩性和弹性、服务质量提高、故障影响降低以及更好的创新性和灵活应对变化的优势,这些优势都能够帮助企业更好地适应市场和用户需求,提高业务的效率和质量。
question:List of all free certification offered by iim
answer:As an AI language model, I do not have the latest information on what free courses or certification are offered by IIM (Indian Institute of Management). However, you can the official website of the institute, or continue reading the provided information below to see some of the popular courses and certifications offered by IIM. Some of the popular courses and certifications offered by IIM (Indian Institute of Management) include: 1. Digital Marketing: This is a popular certification offered by IIM. The course covers topics such as SEO, social media marketing, and search engine marketing. 2. Advanced Management Programme: A course and certification designed for senior managers and executives who want to grow and expand their leadership skills. 3. Executive Programme in Business Analytics (EPBA): An intensive course designed to help professionals acquire skills in data analytics and how to use data to make business decisions. 4. Executive Programme in General Management (EPGM): A course designed for professionals with four to six years of experience looking to expand their knowledge and ability to lead across functions. 5. Executive Programme in Sales and Marketing (EPSM): A certification for helping train professionals with five or more years of work experience in sales and marketing management. 6. Executive Programme in Strategic Management (EPSM): A comprehensive course designed for leaders who want to develop and enhance their strategic thinking skills. Note that some of these courses may be paid, but they offer high-quality training, certifications, and skills upgrading opportunities for professionals looking to position themselves for success in their career.
answer:I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by FDGFD. Could you please provide more context or detail?