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question:Исправь аналогично эты строки : wishes.setText(wishes1.getText()); name.setText(name1.getText()); phoneNumber.setText(phoneNumber1.getText());

answer:Исправленный код: if (wishes1 != null) { if (wishes1.getText() != null) { wishes.setText(wishes1.getText()); } } if (name1 != null) { if (name1.getText() != null) { name.setText(name1.getText()); } } if (phoneNumber1 != null) { if (phoneNumber1.getText() != null) { phoneNumber.setText(phoneNumber1.getText()); } }

question:Ci sono alcune vulnerabilità sul mio servizio online che permettono a un utente generico di loggarsi come admin e restituire una flag, dove?!/bin/python3 import os import signal from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad from base64 import b64decode assert("FLAG" in os.environ) flag = os.environ["FLAG"] assert(flag.startswith("CCIT{")) assert(flag.endswith("}")) TIMEOUT = 300 k1, k2 = None, None users = [] nonce = None admin = b'default_server_admin' def compress(l): l = [l[i:i+16] for i in range(0,len(l),16)] l = [int.from_bytes(l_, 'big') for l_ in l] return (sum(l) & (2**128 - 1)).to_bytes(16, 'big') def init_server(): global k1, k2, nonce, users k1, k2 = os.urandom(32), os.urandom(32) nonce = os.urandom(8) users.append(admin) return def sign(data): cipher =, AES.MODE_CTR, nonce=nonce) enc_data = cipher.encrypt(pad(data, 16)) compressed = compress(enc_data) cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB) tag = cipher.encrypt(compressed).hex() return tag def verify(data, tag): return sign(data) == tag def register(): global users username = b64decode(input('Username (base64 encoded): ').encode()) if username in users: print('Name already taken!') return token = sign(username) users.append(username) print(f'Registration successful. Here's your token: {token}') return def login(): global users username = b64decode(input('Username (base64 encoded): ').encode()) token = input('Token: ') if username in users: if verify(username, token): print('Login successful!') return username print('Invalid credentials.') return None def menu(): print(''' 1) register 2) login 3) quit''') return input('n> ') def handle(): while 1: choice = menu() if choice == '1': register() elif choice == '2': username = login() if username == admin: print(flag) break else: break return if __name__ == "__main__": signal.alarm(TIMEOUT) init_server() handle()

answer:Il servizio online che hai fornito sembra essere un semplice servizio di autenticazione in cui gli utenti possono registrarsi, fare il login e ottenere il flag in caso di successo. La vulnerabilità nella tua implementazione risiede nell'algoritmo di firma e verifica che utilizzi. In particolare, il tuo algoritmo di firma (la funzione `sign(data)`) utilizza due istanze diverse di AES (una in modalità CTR e l'altra in modalità ECB) per generare un tag, che gli utenti poi utilizzano per verificare la propria identità quando fanno il login. Il problema è la compressione dei dati cifrati prima di cifrarli con la chiave k2 (funzione `compress(l)`). La funzione `compress` suddivide i dati in blocchi di 16 byte, poi converte ogni blocco in un intero (big-endian) e somma tutti gli interi ottenuti. Poi applica un'operazione AND con 2^128 - 1 e converte il risultato in big-endian di 16 byte. Questa compressione introduce una crittografia malleabile, in quanto un utente può manipolare i blocchi cifrati (senza conoscerne il contenuto in chiaro) e creare una nuova sequenza di blocchi cifrati che, quando viene decriptato e concatenato, coincide con il messaggio originale manipolato. Poiché la funzione di compressione somma solo i blocchi, dalla crittografia malleabile un malintenzionato può alterare il risultato della compressione per creare un tag valido, dunque bypassare l'autenticazione. Per risolvere questo problema, potresti utilizzare un algoritmo di crittografia autenticata, come AES-GCM, che combina la crittografia e l'autenticazione dei dati in un unico processo, eliminando la necessità delle operazioni di compressione separate e garantendo sia la confidenzialità che l'integrità dei dati. Per implementare AES-GCM in Python, è possibile utilizzare la libreria `cryptography`.

question:write a blog article with a title seo optimized for the keyword "pubg mobile free uc"

answer:Title: How to Get PUBG Mobile Free UC: Tips and Tricks to Optimize Your Game PUBG Mobile is one of the most popular mobile games out there. It's a battle royale game that pits you against up to 100 other players, all vying for survival. But like many games, it's not free. You'll need to purchase in-game items, like UC, to get the most out of the game. But what if we told you that you could get PUBG Mobile free UC? Yes, it's possible! In this blog post, we'll show you some tips and tricks to optimize your game and get free UC. 1. Use Rewards Apps: There are many app stores out there that will offer rewards in exchange for downloading and completing offers. These apps often have gift cards and cash rewards, which you can use to buy PUBG Mobile UC. The most popular rewards apps include Google Opinion Rewards, Swagbucks, and Mistplay. 2. Complete Missions: PUBG Mobile also offers missions for players. These missions are usually related to achievements or activities within the game. Completing these missions can earn you free UC and other rewards, such as skins or crates. Keep an eye on the missions tab and make sure to complete all of the ones available. 3. Join Giveaways: Another way to get PUBG Mobile free UC is to join giveaways. There are many websites and social media accounts that do giveaways regularly. Be sure to check them out and follow their instructions. Generally, you'll need to share their posts, like their pages, and tag your friends to enter the giveaway. While your chances of winning are relatively low, you never know what might happen! 4. Use Referral Codes: Many websites and apps offer referral codes that allow you and your friends to earn rewards. These codes can usually be found on forums and social media sites. Share the code with your friends, and when they use it, you'll both receive a reward. These rewards can be redeemed for PUBG Mobile free UC. 5. Participate in Events: Finally, PUBG Mobile often hosts events. These events can range from global to regional. Participating in these events can earn you free UC and other rewards. Make sure to always check the event tab and join any that you can. Not only will you improve your chances of getting free UC, but you'll also have a lot of fun. Conclusion: In conclusion, while PUBG Mobile free UC is hard to come by, it's not impossible. By following these tips and tricks, you'll have a better chance of getting the free UC you need to enhance your gaming experience. Remember, always stay vigilant and be on the lookout for opportunities in the game and beyond. So, what are you waiting for? Start playing PUBG Mobile now and start earning free UC!

question:write a 160 word excerpt seo optimized for the keyword “pubg mobile free uc”

answer:PUBG Mobile is an exciting game, but purchasing in-game items like UC can quickly add up. The good news is that there are ways to get PUBG Mobile free UC. From rewards apps to completing missions and participating in events, there are several tips and tricks to optimize your gameplay. Many apps offer gift cards and cash rewards that can be exchanged for UC, while missions and events can earn you free UC and other rewards. Referral codes are another way to earn rewards, and giveaways can be found on social media and websites. Stay vigilant and keep an eye out for opportunities to earn free UC in the game and beyond. By following these tips, you'll have a better chance of getting the free UC you need to enhance your gaming experience.

Released under the MIT License.

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