question:Could you give me a few more options?
answer:Of course! Here are a few more wedding hashtag suggestions for your beach wedding in the Dominican Republic: 1. #SandyLoveStory 2. #TropicalTieTheKnot 3. #AshleySaulWeddingBliss 4. #DestinationSaulashley 5. #BeachBellsandBliss 6. #KavoyAndDanielleBeachJourney 7. #DRWeddingWaves 8. #IslandVowsWithAshleyAndSaul 9. #SunKissedSoulmates 10. #TropicalLoveTakesFlight Feel free to let me know if any of these resonate with you or if you need further suggestions!
question:More please!
answer:Certainly! Here are a few more wedding hashtag suggestions: 1. #ParadiseFoundWithSaulashley 2. #LoveintheDR 3. #BeachfrontVows 4. #SunkissedSaulleys 5. #DRWeddingMagic 6. #DanielleAndKavoyTropicalTieTheKnot 7. #DestinationRomanceWithSaulley 8. #SeaandForeverWithDanielleAndKavoy 9. #DominicanBlissWithSaulleyWedding 10. #BeachsideAffairWithAshleySaul Let me know if any of these catch your attention or if you'd like even more suggestions!
question:What about a couple name for Danielle Saul and Kavoy Ashley?
answer:Certainly! Based on the names Danielle Saul and Kavoy Ashley, here are a few couple name suggestions along with potential wedding hashtags: 1. DanvoyLoveStory - #DanvoySaysIDo 2. KavnielleUnion - #KavnielleTieTheKnot 3. AshaulForever - #AshaulWeddingBliss 4. SauleyConnection - #SauleyEverAfter 5. KayelleRomance - #KayelleSaysIDo 6. KavdanielleForever - #KavdanielleDreamWedding 7. SaulashleyLove - #SaulashleySaysIDo 8. DanavoyJourney - #DanavoyTieTheKnot 9. AshleylleForever - #AshleylleWeddingBliss 10. SauleyEverlasting - #SauleySaysIDo Feel free to mix and match or let me know if you'd like more options!
question:翻译成中文 Mary Poppins made a monumental change in my life and I owe it all to Walt Disney. He always seemed to be able to see beyond the now into what could be. He gambled on a complete unknown in film, me, and turned her into Mary Poppins. He created a funny little character named Mickey, and from there he gave us a family of real friends who will live and laugh with us forever. He gave us childhood dreams and lifetime memories. He took a few acres of lonely land and saw a world of enchantment. One memory I'll cherish forever is the thrill of seeing the Magic Kingdom for the first time. And guess who my tour guide was? The man himself. We rode all over the park in a little golf cart. And do you know what the main attraction was for the people that day? Walt Disney. People just stopped and stared at him. They could hardly believe it was him. Then they recognized him. They reached out their hands to touch him. They were absolutely beaming. And so was he. And so was I. I've been here many times since with my children, but nothing will top that moment. It seemed like you could see the whole park reflected in his eyes. His dream had come true. A dream that we could all share. And we did. We are. And we shall. As long as there is still a child left in each of us.