question:(In the school literature clubroom…) Monika: “Yuri’s been gone for quite a long time…” Sayori: “Maybe she’s just caught up with a really good book? You know how she can get lost in literature.” MC: “Should someone go check on her? It’s not like Yuri to miss so much of the club meeting.” Natsuki: “Ugh, fine. I’ll go see what’s taking her so long. She probably doesn’t even realize how much time has passed. But don’t expect me to return quickly - this pregnancy weight is getting to me!” (MC turns to Monika.) MC: “Do you think everything’s alright? It’s not like Yuri to just disappear without saying anything.” Monika: “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Natsuki will find her. But I do have to admit, it’s a bit unlike Yuri. She’s usually very considerate about letting us know if she’ll be late or has to leave early.” (Monika leans back in her chair, looking thoughtful.) Monika: “Well, Yuri does have her moments of being, how should I put it, extremely focused. Perhaps she found an old, dust-covered book in the library and she’s poring over it by now. Or maybe she’s stumbled onto some new poem or story that’s consuming all her attention.” Sayori: (smiling brightly) “That sounds just like Yuri! Remember that one time she brought in that horror book and was so excited to talk about it she didn’t even hear us calling her name?” MC: (nodding) “Yeah, that sounds about right. But still, it wouldn’t hurt to make sure she’s okay.” Monika: (with a reassuring smile) “Definitely, it’s good that Natsuki went to check on her. But let’s try not to worry too much until we know there’s something to worry about, okay?” (MC nods, trying to ease his friend’s concern. After a moment of silence, the clubroom door creaks open, and Natsuki walks in, breathing a little heavily due to her pregnant state, with Yuri following behind her. However, Natsuki looks like she’s in a lot of trouble as she clutches her stomach, her expression one of discomfort.) Natsuki: “Guys…it’s not just the ‘pregnancy weight’…I think…NNNNNGH!!!…I think it’s time.” Sayori: (gasping) “Time?! You mean, like—the baby is coming?” MC: (jumping up from his seat) “Oh gosh, Natsuki, how can we help? Do we need to call an ambulance?” Yuri: (stepping forward, her previous absence now forgotten) “I apologize for being so caught up in my reading. I didn’t realize what was happening. Natsuki, please sit down and try to take deep breaths. I’ll fetch some water.” Monika: (taking control of the situation) “Right, everyone, let’s stay calm. MC, call an ambulance. Sayori, can you find the school nurse, just in case she can help before the ambulance arrives? I’ll help Natsuki get comfortable.” (MC quickly takes out his phone and dials for an ambulance, relaying the situation to the operator. Sayori dashes out of the room to find the nurse, and Yuri returns with a glass of water, handing it carefully to Natsuki.) Monika: (kneeling beside Natsuki) “Natsuki, talk to me. How are you feeling now?” Natsuki: (panting) “It’s intense…I wasn’t expecting this…so soon. The contractions…AAAAAAAH!!!…are pretty close together.” Monika: (nods) “Okay, just breathe. The ambulance is on the way. You’re doing great.” (Sayori returns soon after with the school nurse, who quickly assesses the situation. The nurse instructs Natsuki on how to manage her breathing until professional medical help arrives.) Yuri: (looking a bit pale but determined to be helpful) “Is there anything else I can do to assist?” Sayori: (wrapping an arm around Yuri) “You’ve done enough by getting the water, Yuri. Now we just have to wait and let the professionals do their job-” Natsuki: (clutching her belly in agony) “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” (The clubroom is filled with tension and concern as Natsuki’s cries of pain echo through the space.) Monika: (rushing towards Natsuki’s side) “Natsuki, what’s wrong?!” Natsuki: “I-I think my water just broke! The baby’s REALLY coming now!” (The nurse moves closer, examining Natsuki with a professional eye.) Nurse: “Alright, everyone, the ambulance should be here any minute, but we need to prepare for the possibility that the baby might start coming before they arrive. Natsuki, do your best to stay calm and follow my instructions. We need to get you lying down on a flat surface.” MC: (to Monika) “I’ll help move the desks to make space.” Monika: “Good idea, MC. Yuri, Sayori, help him out. We need to clear an area for Natsuki.” (The club members quickly work together to move the furniture around, creating a makeshift area for Natsuki. All the while, the nurse stays by her side, offering words of comfort and instruction.) Sayori: (in a shaky voice but trying to stay positive) “Natsuki, you’re super strong! You can do this!” Yuri: (handing towels she found in a nearby closet to the nurse) “Here, these might be helpful.” (The sounds of a siren can be heard approaching in the distance, growing louder by the second. Suddenly, Natsuki lets out another cry, gritting her teeth against the pain. Everyone’s focus is solely on her as they try their best to make her comfortable and keep her calm in the chaos of the situation.) Natsuki: (screaming) “I THINK I CAN FEEL THE HEAD!!! OH, IT’S REALLY HAPPENING!!!” MC: (urgently) “The ambulance is getting closer, Natsuki! Just hold on a little longer.” Sayori: (tearing up but maintaining her smile) “You’ve got this, Natsuki! Everything’s going to be okay!” Monika: (firmly) “Listen to the nurse, Natsuki, she knows what to do.” (The nurse, with a calm and authoritative voice, guides Natsuki through her breathing and positioning. Despite the pain and the fear, Natsuki tries her best to follow the instructions.) Nurse: “Natsuki, you need to push with the contractions. We might need to deliver the baby right here if the ambulance doesn’t make it in time.” (The siren is now blaring just outside the school. The door of the clubroom bursts open and a team of paramedics rush in. They quickly take in the situation and move to take over from the nurse.) Paramedic: “We’ve got an emergency birthing kit here. Are you the nurse? Fill us in quickly on her condition.” (The school nurse quickly tells the paramedics how far along Natsuki is and what she has observed so far. The paramedics nod, turning their attention to Natsuki.) Paramedic: (to Natsuki) “You’re doing great. We’ll take it from here. Let’s get you prepped and ready. Can you tell us when your next contraction is coming?” Natsuki: (sweating and breathing heavily) “It’s… it’s coming now! AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!” (The paramedics, with the help of the nurse, work diligently and efficiently. One of them communicates with the ambulance driver, relaying the urgency of the situation, while the other assists Natsuki with her breathing and coaches her through her contractions.) Paramedic: (to the team outside) “We need to preform an emergency delivery here! A student in this school is having her baby!” (As the paramedic communicates with their team, the other paramedics and the nurse create a sterile area. Monika, MC, Sayori, and Yuri stand back to give them space, huddled together in support of their friend.) Paramedic: “Natsuki, when the next contraction comes, I need you to push as hard as you can. Ready? One, two, three—push!” (Natsuki bears down with all the strength she has, her face twisted in a mix of pain and determination. The literature club members watch on, their expressions a mixture of concern, encouragement, and awe.) Sayori: (whispering to MC) “This is so intense… Natsuki’s really strong, huh?” MC: (nodding, his voice low) “Yeah, she’s amazing. I can’t believe she’s going through this.” Yuri: (holding her hands together, speaking in barely more than a murmur) “This is so far removed from the usual quiet of our literature club… but I’m proud of how we’re all supporting Natsuki in this unexpected turn of events.” Monika: (placing a reassuring hand on Yuri’s shoulder) “We’re more than just a club. We’re a family here.” (After several minutes of intense labor, guided by the paramedics’ instructions and supported by the encouraging words of her friends, Natsuki lets out a long, loud cry as she pushes with everything she’s got.) Paramedic: “Keep going, that’s it! I see the head! Good job, Natsuki! One more big push!” Natsuki: “AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” (After what seems like an eternity, but in reality is only a few more moments, the room is filled with a new sound—the loud, healthy cry of a newborn baby. Natsuki collapses back, exhausted but overjoyed, tears of relief streaming down her cheeks. The paramedics quickly clear the baby’s airways and wrap the little one in a blanket before handing the newborn to Natsuki.) Natsuki: (cradling her new daughter, her voice filled with wonder) “
answer:Hello, little one… I did it… You're here…” (The literature club members let out collective sighs of relief and happiness. Tears are in everyone's eyes as they witness the beautiful moment of a new life entering the world.) Monika: (with a gentle smile) “Congratulations, Natsuki! She’s beautiful…” Sayori: (jumping up and down with tears streaming down) “Oh my gosh, it’s a real baby! Natsuki, she’s perfect!” Yuri: (clasping her hands together, visibly moved) “It's truly a miracle... Witnessing the birth of literature in one form or another is always breathtaking, but a child... this is a remarkable chapter in all of our lives.” MC: (smiling with pride) “You were incredible, Natsuki. You're going to be a great mom.” (The paramedics begin to make preparations to transport Natsuki and her baby to the hospital for further care. The school nurse stays by Natsuki’s side, ensuring she stays comfortable during the transition.) Paramedic: “We're going to take you and your baby to the hospital now to make sure both of you are perfectly healthy. You’ve done really well here.” Natsuki: (tired but beaming with joy) “Thank you, everyone… I couldn’t have done this without you all…” (As Natsuki and her newborn are carefully loaded onto the stretcher and taken out of the room, the literature club members follow, forming a small procession behind them. They’re all touched by the event, a true life lesson in love and support that stretches beyond poems and prose.) Sayori: (sniffling and holding Monika's hand) “Our club is going to have a new little member…” Monika: (nodding and wiping away a tear) “Yes, she will be the youngest and surely the most loved.” Yuri: “Indeed, this room will now forever hold a story far richer than any novel could convey.” MC: (looking at the rest of the club) “We're all going to have a new role now, in a way. A supportive cast in the story of Natsuki’s growing family.” (They all leave the clubroom together, each processing the intense and life-affirming experience they’ve just shared. A new day for the literature club has begun, one filled with the promise and potential that comes with the start of a new life. As they step out into the hallway, following behind the paramedics, they are filled not only with a sense of unity and companionship but with an unspoken commitment to be there for Natsuki and her daughter. Today was unexpected, extraordinary, and above all, a true testament to the bonds they shared.)
question:(In the school literature clubroom…) Monika: “Yuri’s been gone for quite a long time…” Sayori: “Maybe she’s just caught up with a really good book? You know how she can get lost in literature.” MC: “Should someone go check on her? It’s not like Yuri to miss so much of the club meeting.” Natsuki: “Ugh, fine. I’ll go see what’s taking her so long. She probably doesn’t even realize how much time has passed. But don’t expect me to return quickly - this pregnancy weight is getting to me!” (MC turns to Monika.) MC: “Do you think everything’s alright? It’s not like Yuri to just disappear without saying anything.” Monika: “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Natsuki will find her. But I do have to admit, it’s a bit unlike Yuri. She’s usually very considerate about letting us know if she’ll be late or has to leave early.” (Monika leans back in her chair, looking thoughtful.) Monika: “Well, Yuri does have her moments of being, how should I put it, extremely focused. Perhaps she found an old, dust-covered book in the library and she’s poring over it by now. Or maybe she’s stumbled onto some new poem or story that’s consuming all her attention.” Sayori: (smiling brightly) “That sounds just like Yuri! Remember that one time she brought in that horror book and was so excited to talk about it she didn’t even hear us calling her name?” MC: (nodding) “Yeah, that sounds about right. But still, it wouldn’t hurt to make sure she’s okay.” Monika: (with a reassuring smile) “Definitely, it’s good that Natsuki went to check on her. But let’s try not to worry too much until we know there’s something to worry about, okay?” (MC nods, trying to ease his friend’s concern. After a moment of silence, the clubroom door creaks open, and Natsuki walks in, breathing a little heavily due to her pregnant state, with Yuri following behind her. However, Natsuki looks like she’s in a lot of trouble as she clutches her stomach, her expression one of discomfort.) Natsuki: “Guys…it’s not just the ‘pregnancy weight’…I think…NNNNNGH!!!…I think it’s time.” Sayori: (gasping) “Time?! You mean, like—the baby is coming?” MC: (jumping up from his seat) “Oh gosh, Natsuki, how can we help? Do we need to call an ambulance?” Yuri: (stepping forward, her previous absence now forgotten) “I apologize for being so caught up in my reading. I didn’t realize what was happening. Natsuki, please sit down and try to take deep breaths. I’ll fetch some water.” Monika: (taking control of the situation) “Right, everyone, let’s stay calm. MC, call an ambulance. Sayori, can you find the school nurse, just in case she can help before the ambulance arrives? I’ll help Natsuki get comfortable.” (MC quickly takes out his phone and dials for an ambulance, relaying the situation to the operator. Sayori dashes out of the room to find the nurse, and Yuri returns with a glass of water, handing it carefully to Natsuki.) Monika: (kneeling beside Natsuki) “Natsuki, talk to me. How are you feeling now?” Natsuki: (panting) “It’s intense…I wasn’t expecting this…so soon. The contractions…AAAAAAAH!!!…are pretty close together.” Monika: (nods) “Okay, just breathe. The ambulance is on the way. You’re doing great.” (Sayori returns soon after with the school nurse, who quickly assesses the situation. The nurse instructs Natsuki on how to manage her breathing until professional medical help arrives.) Yuri: (looking a bit pale but determined to be helpful) “Is there anything else I can do to assist?” Sayori: (wrapping an arm around Yuri) “You’ve done enough by getting the water, Yuri. Now we just have to wait and let the professionals do their job-” Natsuki: (clutching her belly in agony) “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” (The clubroom is filled with tension and concern as Natsuki’s cries of pain echo through the space.) Monika: (rushing towards Natsuki’s side) “Natsuki, what’s wrong?!” Natsuki: “I-I think my water just broke! The baby’s REALLY coming now!” (The nurse moves closer, examining Natsuki with a professional eye.) Nurse: “Alright, everyone, the ambulance should be here any minute, but we need to prepare for the possibility that the baby might start coming before they arrive. Natsuki, do your best to stay calm and follow my instructions. We need to get you lying down on a flat surface.” MC: (to Monika) “I’ll help move the desks to make space.” Monika: “Good idea, MC. Yuri, Sayori, help him out. We need to clear an area for Natsuki.” (The club members quickly work together to move the furniture around, creating a makeshift area for Natsuki. All the while, the nurse stays by her side, offering words of comfort and instruction.) Sayori: (in a shaky voice but trying to stay positive) “Natsuki, you’re super strong! You can do this!” Yuri: (handing towels she found in a nearby closet to the nurse) “Here, these might be helpful.” (The sounds of a siren can be heard approaching in the distance, growing louder by the second. Suddenly, Natsuki lets out another cry, gritting her teeth against the pain. Everyone’s focus is solely on her as they try their best to make her comfortable and keep her calm in the chaos of the situation.) Natsuki: (screaming) “I THINK I CAN FEEL THE HEAD!!! OH, IT’S REALLY HAPPENING!!!” MC: (urgently) “The ambulance is getting closer, Natsuki! Just hold on a little longer.” Sayori: (tearing up but maintaining her smile) “You’ve got this, Natsuki! Everything’s going to be okay!” Monika: (firmly) “Listen to the nurse, Natsuki, she knows what to do.” (The nurse, with a calm and authoritative voice, guides Natsuki through her breathing and positioning. Despite the pain and the fear, Natsuki tries her best to follow the instructions.) Nurse: “Natsuki, you need to push with the contractions. We might need to deliver the baby right here if the ambulance doesn’t make it in time.” (The siren is now blaring just outside the school. The door of the clubroom bursts open and a team of paramedics rush in. They quickly take in the situation and move to take over from the nurse.) Paramedic: “We’ve got an emergency birthing kit here. Are you the nurse? Fill us in quickly on her condition.” (The school nurse quickly tells the paramedics how far along Natsuki is and what she has observed so far. The paramedics nod, turning their attention to Natsuki.) Paramedic: (to Natsuki) “You’re doing great. We’ll take it from here. Let’s get you prepped and ready. Can you tell us when your next contraction is coming?” Natsuki: (sweating and breathing heavily) “It’s… it’s coming now! AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!” (The paramedics, with the help of the nurse, work diligently and efficiently. One of them communicates with the ambulance driver, relaying the urgency of the situation, while the other assists Natsuki with her breathing and coaches her through her contractions.) Paramedic: (to the team outside) “We need to preform an emergency delivery here! A student in this school is having her baby!” (As the paramedic communicates with their team, the other paramedics and the nurse create a sterile area. Monika, MC, Sayori, and Yuri stand back to give them space, huddled together in support of their friend.) Paramedic: “Natsuki, when the next contraction comes, I need you to push as hard as you can. Ready? One, two, three—push!” (Natsuki bears down with all the strength she has, her face twisted in a mix of pain and determination. The literature club members watch on, their expressions a mixture of concern, encouragement, and awe.) Sayori: (whispering to MC) “This is so intense… Natsuki’s really strong, huh?” MC: (nodding, his voice low) “Yeah, she’s amazing. I can’t believe she’s going through this.” Yuri: (holding her hands together, speaking in barely more than a murmur) “This is so far removed from the usual quiet of our literature club… but I’m proud of how we’re all supporting Natsuki in this unexpected turn of events.” Monika: (placing a reassuring hand on Yuri’s shoulder) “We’re more than just a club. We’re a family here.” (After several minutes of intense labor, guided by the paramedics’ instructions and supported by the encouraging words of her friends, Natsuki lets out a long, loud cry as she pushes with everything she’s got.) Paramedic: “Keep going, that’s it! I see the head! Good job, Natsuki! One more big push!” Natsuki: “AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” (After what seems like an eternity, but in reality is only a few more moments, the room is filled with a new sound—the loud, healthy cry of a newborn baby. Natsuki collapses back, exhausted but overjoyed, tears of relief streaming down her cheeks. The paramedics quickly clear the baby’s airways and wrap the little one in a blanket before handing the newborn to Natsuki.) Natsuki: (cradling her new daughter) “
answer:I... did it...” (The room breaks into soft claps and words of congratulations as Natsuki gazes down at her daughter, a mixture of love and awe in her eyes. The tension that gripped the room is replaced by a wave of relief and happiness.) Sayori: (tears rolling down her cheeks) “She's so tiny, so perfect…” MC: “You're incredible, Natsuki. Congratulations!” Yuri: (gently) “Welcome to the world, little one.” Monika: (smiling) “Looks like the Literature Club just got a new junior member.” (The paramedics begin to prepare Natsuki and the baby for transport to the hospital for further care and observation. The nurse gathers her supplies, nodding in satisfaction at the positive outcome.) Paramedic: “We’ll need to move her to the stretcher. She needs to be checked at the hospital now, make sure both mom and baby are doing well.” (The club members step aside as the paramedics carefully move Natsuki and her newborn onto the stretcher. They all promise to visit her soon, reassuring her that they'll take care of everything at the club until she returns.) As Natsuki is wheeled out of the clubroom, everyone exchanges looks of amazement over what’s just happened. They’ve just witnessed one of their own bring new life into the world, right there in their little sanctuary of literature. It's a day they'll never forget—a story to be told and retold within the pages of the Literature Club's history. The club settles down after the paramedics leave, and while the excitement has passed, the bond shared among them has only grown stronger. Soon, the baby's arrival will inspire new poems and stories, new reflections and discussions. But, for now, they bask in the afterglow of the miracle they've witnessed, each member silently thanking the stars for Natsuki's safe delivery and the health of her newborn daughter.
question:(In the school literature clubroom…) Monika: “Yuri’s been gone for quite a long time…” Sayori: “Maybe she’s just caught up with a really good book? You know how she can get lost in literature.” MC: “Should someone go check on her? It’s not like Yuri to miss so much of the club meeting.” Natsuki: “Ugh, fine. I’ll go see what’s taking her so long. She probably doesn’t even realize how much time has passed. But don’t expect me to return quickly - this pregnancy weight is getting to me!” (MC turns to Monika.) MC: “Do you think everything’s alright? It’s not like Yuri to just disappear without saying anything.” Monika: “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Natsuki will find her. But I do have to admit, it’s a bit unlike Yuri. She’s usually very considerate about letting us know if she’ll be late or has to leave early.” (Monika leans back in her chair, looking thoughtful.) Monika: “Well, Yuri does have her moments of being, how should I put it, extremely focused. Perhaps she found an old, dust-covered book in the library and she’s poring over it by now. Or maybe she’s stumbled onto some new poem or story that’s consuming all her attention.” Sayori: (smiling brightly) “That sounds just like Yuri! Remember that one time she brought in that horror book and was so excited to talk about it she didn’t even hear us calling her name?” MC: (nodding) “Yeah, that sounds about right. But still, it wouldn’t hurt to make sure she’s okay.” Monika: (with a reassuring smile) “Definitely, it’s good that Natsuki went to check on her. But let’s try not to worry too much until we know there’s something to worry about, okay?” (MC nods, trying to ease his friend’s concern. After a moment of silence, the clubroom door creaks open, and Natsuki walks in, breathing a little heavily due to her pregnant state, with Yuri following behind her. However, Natsuki looks like she’s in a lot of trouble as she clutches her stomach, her expression one of discomfort.) Natsuki: “Guys…it’s not just the ‘pregnancy weight’…I think…NNNNNGH!!!…I think it’s time.” Sayori: (gasping) “Time?! You mean, like—the baby is coming?” MC: (jumping up from his seat) “Oh gosh, Natsuki, how can we help? Do we need to call an ambulance?” Yuri: (stepping forward, her previous absence now forgotten) “I apologize for being so caught up in my reading. I didn’t realize what was happening. Natsuki, please sit down and try to take deep breaths. I’ll fetch some water.” Monika: (taking control of the situation) “Right, everyone, let’s stay calm. MC, call an ambulance. Sayori, can you find the school nurse, just in case she can help before the ambulance arrives? I’ll help Natsuki get comfortable.” (MC quickly takes out his phone and dials for an ambulance, relaying the situation to the operator. Sayori dashes out of the room to find the nurse, and Yuri returns with a glass of water, handing it carefully to Natsuki.) Monika: (kneeling beside Natsuki) “Natsuki, talk to me. How are you feeling now?” Natsuki: (panting) “It’s intense…I wasn’t expecting this…so soon. The contractions…AAAAAAAH!!!…are pretty close together.” Monika: (nods) “Okay, just breathe. The ambulance is on the way. You’re doing great.” (Sayori returns soon after with the school nurse, who quickly assesses the situation. The nurse instructs Natsuki on how to manage her breathing until professional medical help arrives.) Yuri: (looking a bit pale but determined to be helpful) “Is there anything else I can do to assist?” Sayori: (wrapping an arm around Yuri) “You’ve done enough by getting the water, Yuri. Now we just have to wait and let the professionals do their job-” Natsuki: (clutching her belly in agony) “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” (The clubroom is filled with tension and concern as Natsuki’s cries of pain echo through the space.) Monika: (rushing towards Natsuki’s side) “Natsuki, what’s wrong?!” Natsuki: “I-I think my water just broke! The baby’s REALLY coming now!” (The nurse moves closer, examining Natsuki with a professional eye.) Nurse: “Alright, everyone, the ambulance should be here any minute, but we need to prepare for the possibility that the baby might start coming before they arrive. Natsuki, do your best to stay calm and follow my instructions. We need to get you lying down on a flat surface.” MC: (to Monika) “I’ll help move the desks to make space.” Monika: “Good idea, MC. Yuri, Sayori, help him out. We need to clear an area for Natsuki.” (The club members quickly work together to move the furniture around, creating a makeshift area for Natsuki. All the while, the nurse stays by her side, offering words of comfort and instruction.) Sayori: (in a shaky voice but trying to stay positive) “Natsuki, you’re super strong! You can do this!” Yuri: (handing towels she found in a nearby closet to the nurse) “Here, these might be helpful.” (The sounds of a siren can be heard approaching in the distance, growing louder by the second. Suddenly, Natsuki lets out another cry, gritting her teeth against the pain. Everyone’s focus is solely on her as they try their best to make her comfortable and keep her calm in the chaos of the situation.) Natsuki: (screaming) “I THINK I CAN FEEL THE HEAD!!! OH, IT’S REALLY HAPPENING!!!” MC: (urgently) “The ambulance is getting closer, Natsuki! Just hold on a little longer.” Sayori: (tearing up but maintaining her smile) “You’ve got this, Natsuki! Everything’s going to be okay!” Monika: (firmly) “Listen to the nurse, Natsuki, she knows what to do.” (The nurse, with a calm and authoritative voice, guides Natsuki through her breathing and positioning. Despite the pain and the fear, Natsuki tries her best to follow the instructions.) Nurse: “Natsuki, you need to push with the contractions. We might need to deliver the baby right here if the ambulance doesn’t make it in time.” (The siren is now blaring just outside the school. The door of the clubroom bursts open and a team of paramedics rush in. They quickly take in the situation and move to take over from the nurse.) Paramedic: “We’ve got an emergency birthing kit here. Are you the nurse? Fill us in quickly on her condition.” (The school nurse quickly tells the paramedics how far along Natsuki is and what she has observed so far. The paramedics nod, turning their attention to Natsuki.) Paramedic: (to Natsuki) “You’re doing great. We’ll take it from here. Let’s get you prepped and ready. Can you tell us when your next contraction is coming?” Natsuki: (sweating and breathing heavily) “It’s…it’s coming now! AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!” (The paramedics, with the help of the nurse, work diligently and efficiently. One of them communicates with the ambulance driver, relaying the urgency of the situation, while the other assists Natsuki with her breathing and coaches her through her contractions.) Paramedic: (to the team outside) “We need to preform an emergency delivery here! A student in this school is having her baby!” (As the paramedic communicates with their team, the other paramedics and the nurse create a sterile area. Monika, MC, Sayori, and Yuri stand back to give them space, huddled together in support of their friend.) Paramedic: “Natsuki, when the next contraction comes, I need you to push as hard as you can. Ready? One, two, three—push!” (Natsuki bears down with all the strength she has, her face twisted in a mix of pain and determination. The literature club members watch on, their expressions a mixture of concern, encouragement, and awe.) Sayori: (whispering to MC) “This is so intense…Natsuki’s really strong, huh?” MC: (nodding, his voice low) “Yeah, she’s amazing. I can’t believe she’s going through this.” Yuri: (holding her hands together, speaking in barely more than a murmur) “This is so far removed from the usual quiet of our literature club… but I’m proud of how we’re all supporting Natsuki in this unexpected turn of events.” Monika: (placing a reassuring hand on Yuri’s shoulder) “We’re more than just a club. We’re a family here.” (After several minutes of intense labor, guided by the paramedics’ instructions and supported by the encouraging words of her friends, Natsuki lets out a long, loud cry as she pushes with everything she’s got.) Paramedic: “Keep going, that’s it! I see the head! Good job, Natsuki! One more big push!” Natsuki: “AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” (After what seems like an eternity, but in reality is only a few more moments, the room is filled with a new sound—the loud, healthy cry of a newborn baby. Natsuki collapses back, exhausted but overjoyed, tears of relief streaming down her cheeks. The paramedics quickly clear the baby’s airways and wrap the little one in a blanket before handing the newborn to Natsuki.) Natsuki: (cradling her new daughter) “Oh my god…I-I-I did it! I’m actually a
answer:(Natsuki gazes down at her newborn daughter with a mix of exhaustion and wonder, her previous toughness giving way to raw emotion.) Natsuki: (in a trembling voice) “I'm a mom... I can't believe it.” (She looks at the baby, her eyes filled with tears. A soft, mesmerized smile forms on her lips as she gently touches the tiny, wrinkled face of her child.) Monika: (with a gentle smile) “Congratulations, Natsuki. She's beautiful.” Sayori: (clapping her hands together with tears of joy in her eyes) “You did such a great job, Natsuki! She's so cute!” MC: (a look of pride and awe on his face) “Yeah, you were amazing, Natsuki. Truly incredible.” Yuri: (holding back her own tears, clearly moved by the moment) “Welcome to the world, little one. Your mother is a remarkable person.” (The paramedic, now holding the infant, expertly does a quick but thorough checkup on the baby.) Paramedic: “Mom and baby are both doing well. It's time we get them to the hospital for further observation and care. Mom, are you ready to go?” Natsuki: (still catching her breath but nods determinedly) “Yes, let's go.” (The paramedics help Natsuki onto a stretcher, making sure she and the baby are secure before they swiftly exit the room to the waiting ambulance, followed by the watchful gaze of the literature club members.) Monika: (turning back to the remaining club members) “Let's get this room cleaned up before we follow behind. Natsuki and her baby will need all the support they can get.” (They all work together, restoring order to the clubroom after the whirlwind event that just took place. Each of them is visibly moved and pensive, marked by the life-changing event they've just witnessed. Once the room is set back to normal, they gather their belongings.) MC: “I can hardly believe what just happened... Our clubroom turned into a delivery room. It's... surreal.” Sayori: (with a hopeful smile) “We should visit them as soon as we can. I want to see Natsuki and the baby again! And maybe we can write a welcome poem for the newest member of our literature club family!” Yuri: “That's a wonderful idea, Sayori. I agree, we should definitely pay them a visit.” Monika: “Alright then, let's call it a day. We had an unexpected club activity, but we all handled it quite well. I'm sure Natsuki will appreciate us coming through for her when it mattered most.” (As the sunset paints the school in a warm glow, the members of the literature club file out, heading towards the hospital, ready to support their friend and her newborn daughter. The day's events had been nothing short of extraordinary, but together, they had faced it as a family, and they would continue to do so, no matter what the future held.)
question:(In the school literature clubroom…) Monika: “Yuri’s been gone for quite a long time…” Sayori: “Maybe she’s just caught up with a really good book? You know how she can get lost in literature.” MC: “Should someone go check on her? It’s not like Yuri to miss so much of the club meeting.” Natsuki: “Ugh, fine. I’ll go see what’s taking her so long. She probably doesn’t even realize how much time has passed. But don’t expect me to return quickly - this pregnancy weight is getting to me!” (MC turns to Monika.) MC: “Do you think everything’s alright? It’s not like Yuri to just disappear without saying anything.” Monika: “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Natsuki will find her. But I do have to admit, it’s a bit unlike Yuri. She’s usually very considerate about letting us know if she’ll be late or has to leave early.” (Monika leans back in her chair, looking thoughtful.) Monika: “Well, Yuri does have her moments of being, how should I put it, extremely focused. Perhaps she found an old, dust-covered book in the library and she’s poring over it by now. Or maybe she’s stumbled onto some new poem or story that’s consuming all her attention.” Sayori: (smiling brightly) “That sounds just like Yuri! Remember that one time she brought in that horror book and was so excited to talk about it she didn’t even hear us calling her name?” MC: (nodding) “Yeah, that sounds about right. But still, it wouldn’t hurt to make sure she’s okay.” Monika: (with a reassuring smile) “Definitely, it’s good that Natsuki went to check on her. But let’s try not to worry too much until we know there’s something to worry about, okay?” (MC nods, trying to ease his friend’s concern. After a moment of silence, the clubroom door creaks open, and Natsuki walks in, breathing a little heavily due to her pregnant state, with Yuri following behind her. However, Natsuki looks like she’s in a lot of trouble as she clutches her stomach, her expression one of discomfort.) Natsuki: “Guys…it’s not just the ‘pregnancy weight’…I think…NNNNNGH!!!…I think it’s time.” Sayori: (gasping) “Time?! You mean, like—the baby is coming?” MC: (jumping up from his seat) “Oh gosh, Natsuki, how can we help? Do we need to call an ambulance?” Yuri: (stepping forward, her previous absence now forgotten) “I apologize for being so caught up in my reading. I didn’t realize what was happening. Natsuki, please sit down and try to take deep breaths. I’ll fetch some water.” Monika: (taking control of the situation) “Right, everyone, let’s stay calm. MC, call an ambulance. Sayori, can you find the school nurse, just in case she can help before the ambulance arrives? I’ll help Natsuki get comfortable.” (MC quickly takes out his phone and dials for an ambulance, relaying the situation to the operator. Sayori dashes out of the room to find the nurse, and Yuri returns with a glass of water, handing it carefully to Natsuki.) Monika: (kneeling beside Natsuki) “Natsuki, talk to me. How are you feeling now?” Natsuki: (panting) “It’s intense…I wasn’t expecting this…so soon. The contractions…AAAAAAAH!!!…are pretty close together.” Monika: (nods) “Okay, just breathe. The ambulance is on the way. You’re doing great.” (Sayori returns soon after with the school nurse, who quickly assesses the situation. The nurse instructs Natsuki on how to manage her breathing until professional medical help arrives.) Yuri: (looking a bit pale but determined to be helpful) “Is there anything else I can do to assist?” Sayori: (wrapping an arm around Yuri) “You’ve done enough by getting the water, Yuri. Now we just have to wait and let the professionals do their job-” Natsuki: (clutching her belly in agony) “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” (The clubroom is filled with tension and concern as Natsuki’s cries of pain echo through the space.) Monika: (rushing towards Natsuki’s side) “Natsuki, what’s wrong?!” Natsuki: “I-I think my water just broke! The baby’s REALLY coming now!” (The nurse moves closer, examining Natsuki with a professional eye.) Nurse: “Alright, everyone, the ambulance should be here any minute, but we need to prepare for the possibility that the baby might start coming before they arrive. Natsuki, do your best to stay calm and follow my instructions. We need to get you lying down on a flat surface.” MC: (to Monika) “I’ll help move the desks to make space.” Monika: “Good idea, MC. Yuri, Sayori, help him out. We need to clear an area for Natsuki.” (The club members quickly work together to move the furniture around, creating a makeshift area for Natsuki. All the while, the nurse stays by her side, offering words of comfort and instruction.) Sayori: (in a shaky voice but trying to stay positive) “Natsuki, you’re super strong! You can do this!” Yuri: (handing towels she found in a nearby closet to the nurse) “Here, these might be helpful.” (The sounds of a siren can be heard approaching in the distance, growing louder by the second. Suddenly, Natsuki lets out another cry, gritting her teeth against the pain. Everyone’s focus is solely on her as they try their best to make her comfortable and keep her calm in the chaos of the situation.) Natsuki: (screaming) “I THINK I CAN FEEL THE HEAD!!! OH, IT’S REALLY HAPPENING!!!” MC: (urgently) “The ambulance is getting closer, Natsuki! Just hold on a little longer.” Sayori: (tearing up but maintaining her smile) “You’ve got this, Natsuki! Everything’s going to be okay!” Monika: (firmly) “Listen to the nurse, Natsuki, she knows what to do.” (The nurse, with a calm and authoritative voice, guides Natsuki through her breathing and positioning. Despite the pain and the fear, Natsuki tries her best to follow the instructions.) Nurse: “Natsuki, you need to push with the contractions. We might need to deliver the baby right here if the ambulance doesn’t make it in time.” (The siren is now blaring just outside the school. The door of the clubroom bursts open and a team of paramedics rush in. They quickly take in the situation and move to take over from the nurse.) Paramedic: “We’ve got an emergency birthing kit here. Are you the nurse? Fill us in quickly on her condition.” (The school nurse quickly tells the paramedics how far along Natsuki is and what she has observed so far. The paramedics nod, turning their attention to Natsuki.) Paramedic: (to Natsuki) “You’re doing great. We’ll take it from here. Let’s get you prepped and ready. Can you tell us when your next contraction is coming?” Natsuki: (sweating and breathing heavily) “It’s…it’s coming now! AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!” (The paramedics, with the help of the nurse, work diligently and efficiently. One of them communicates with the ambulance driver, relaying the urgency of the situation, while the other assists Natsuki with her breathing and coaches her through her contractions.) Paramedic: (to the team outside) “We need to preform an emergency delivery here! A student in this school is having her baby!” (As the paramedic communicates with their team, the other paramedics and the nurse create a sterile area. Monika, MC, Sayori, and Yuri stand back to give them space, huddled together in support of their friend.) Paramedic: “Natsuki, when the next contraction comes, I need you to push as hard as you can. Ready? One, two, three—push!” (Natsuki bears down with all the strength she has, her face twisted in a mix of pain and determination. The literature club members watch on, their expressions a mixture of concern, encouragement, and awe.) Sayori: (whispering to MC) “This is so intense…Natsuki’s really strong, huh?” MC: (nodding, his voice low) “Yeah, she’s amazing. I can’t believe she’s going through this.” Yuri: (holding her hands together, speaking in barely more than a murmur) “This is so far removed from the usual quiet of our literature club… but I’m proud of how we’re all supporting Natsuki in this unexpected turn of events.” Monika: (placing a reassuring hand on Yuri’s shoulder) “We’re more than just a club. We’re a family here.” (After several minutes of intense labor, guided by the paramedics’ instructions and supported by the encouraging words of her friends, Natsuki lets out a long, loud cry as she pushes with everything she’s got.) Paramedic: “Keep going, that’s it! I see the head! Good job, Natsuki! One more big push!” Natsuki: “AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” (After what seems like an eternity, but in reality is only a few more moments, the room is filled with a new sound—the loud, healthy cry of a newborn baby. Natsuki collapses back, exhausted but overjoyed, tears of relief streaming down her cheeks. The paramedics quickly clear the baby’s airways and wrap the little one in a blanket before handing the newborn to Natsuki.) Natsuki: (cradling her new daughter) “Oh my god…I-I-I did it! I’m actually a mom! You’re here, Sakura!”
answer:Paramedic: “Congratulations, mom. You did an incredible job. We're going to make sure both you and the baby are stable before we transport you to the hospital for further care.” (Natsuki gazes down at her baby, Sakura, with immense love and wonder, her previous agony replaced with the profound joy of motherhood.) Monika: (with a teary smile) “She's beautiful, Natsuki. You've done something truly amazing today.” Sayori: (wiping away her own tears) “Sakura is such a cute name! And she's already so loved by all of us here.” Yuri: (smiling softly) “Such a delicate and precious life. Welcome to the world, Sakura.” MC: (beaming with pride) “Natsuki, you're the strongest person I know. Congratulations!” (The paramedics proceed to monitor Natsuki and her baby, ensuring their vital signs are stable. The nurse remains by their side, assisting in every way necessary.) Paramedic: (with a reassuring tone) “We're ready to move you both to the hospital now. We'll take good care of you on the way there.” (The paramedics gently load Natsuki and Sakura onto a stretcher, ready to transport them. The rest of the Literature Club members gather their belongings, preparing to follow after, wanting to be close and support Natsuki during this monumental time.) Sayori: “Let's all go to the hospital together! We can't let Natsuki and Sakura feel lonely!” Monika: “Absolutely. We'll be right behind you, Natsuki. We're all here for you and Sakura.” (As Natsuki is wheeled away, the Literature Club members follow in a tight-knit group, bound by the shared experience and the unexpected event that brought them even closer together. They leave the clubroom, a beacon of warmth and support, stepping into the rest of the world where one of their own has just undertaken the transformative journey of becoming a mother.) Yuri: (quietly to MC) “Today, life has written a truly unique narrative for us, one filled with suspense, emotion, and ultimately, joy.” MC: (nodding in agreement) “Yeah, it's like we all became a part of Natsuki's story. It's a day we'll never forget.” (As the club members leave the school and make their way towards the hospital, there is a shared sense of unity. The Literature Club, initially bound by their love for literature, now finds their connection deepened by a real-life event that is as dramatic and profound as any story they have read and discussed in their clubroom. Together, they look forward to the next chapter of their lives, with a new little member, Sakura, amongst them.)